Smite in Minecraft is an enchantment for swords and axes that will increase the amount of damage that players can do to undead mobs.
Minecraft is a world that is filled with dastardly and dangerous undead hostile mobs. One way to take down all of these unholy creatures efficiently is with the use of the Smite enchantment to a sword of axe.
This enchantment will allow Minecraft players to do some massive amounts of damage to skeletons, zombies, zombie villagers, withers, wither skeletons, zombified piglins, skeleton horses, zombie horses, strays, husks, phantoms, drowned, and zoglins.
This article will be breaking down what the Smite enchantment is in Minecraft and how players can get it on their own weapon.
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The uses for Smite in Minecraft
The Smite weapon enchantment can be placed on any sword or axe that Minecraft players have obtain throughout their adventures.
The enchantment itself has five levels of power, which will increase the damage that players deal to undead only mobs by 1.25 hearts worth per level of the enchantment.
This means that a sword with Smite V would deal 6.25 additional hearts worth of damage to undead from the enchantment alone.
Minecraft players should note that Smite is incompatible with the Sharpness and Bane of Arthropods enchantments. Players can only use one of the three, as the effect will not be able to be stacked on a single item.
The only way to have these enchantments active at the same time, would be through the use of console commands.
Smite does have a niche use, as there are numerous numbers of undead mobs found throughout the worlds of Minecraft. Players who are preparing to face the Wither would strongly benefit from having this enchantment.
Getting the Smite Enchantment

Smite can be placed on any sword or axe by using an enchanting table and expending experience earned by the player and some lapis lazuli.
Higher level enchantments can be placed on weapons by surrounding an enchanting table with additional bookshelves. Minecraft players should note that higher level enchantments will cost an increased amount of experience in order to obtain.
This enchantment can also be placed on a piece of equipment with an anvil and the correct corresponding enchantment book. Console commands can also be used to grant enchantments for players who do not mind a bit of cheating.
A complete guide for enchantments in Minecraft can be found here.
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