The Wither is a strong boss mob in Minecraft that players may have a tough time defeating without the proper materials. Some players even say that they find the Wither harder to defeat than the Ender dragon.
This mob can be spawned using four blocks of soul sand and three Wither skeletons. Players can spawn the Wither boss in both the overworld and the Nether, however the materials to create the mob can only be found in the Nether.
Despite how hard it is to defeat, the Wither mob can grant the player with lots of experience and a very resourceful item.
Upon death, the Wither can drop a Nether star and around 50 experience orbs (for the first defeat.) The star can be used to create beacons.
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The Wither can be spawned on any edition of Minecraft, however there is a slight difference in the mob between Bedrock and Java.
In this article, players will learn how the Wither is different in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition and Java Edition.
The Minecraft Wither: Bedrock vs Java
What's the difference?

Some players may not know this, but the Wither is actually much stronger in the Bedrock edition of the game than it is in the Java edition. Meaning these mobs are much more difficult to kill in Bedrock than they are in Java.
In the Java edition, the Wither's health totals 300 health points (150 player hearts.) However, in the Bedrock edition, the Wither's health is double the Java amount: 600 total health (which is equivalent to 300 player hearts).
In Bedrock, Withers also have a more increased chance of flying. In Java, the Wither tends to stay still a lot, making it easier for players to attack.
The Wither mob in Bedrock also has a huge explosion upon death. If the player manages to kill the mob, there will be a powerful explosion following its death. In Java, there is no powerful explosion when the Wither is killed.
Although the Wither shoots wither skulls at a much faster rate in Bedrock edition and is much stronger in this version of the game, in Java the hitbox for the Wither is a little larger height wise.
In Bedrock, the hit box for the wither is 3.0 blocks, while in Java it is 3.5. The width of the hitbox is 0.9 in Java, but in Bedrock it is 1.0.
In Bedrock, the health bar of the wither will appear as pink, but in Java it will be purple.
Another difference between the two editions is that when the Nether star is dropped in Java edition, it will despawn in 10 minutes. However, in Bedrock the star will never despawn.
So in conclusion, the Wither is definitely way stronger in Bedrock than it is in Java. Players may have a harder time defeating the Bedrock Wither than the Minecraft Java one.
Note: The article reflects the writer's own views.
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