Minecraft is a game filled with creativity, exploration, and adventure. While new players may find it to be complex and challenging, the experience becomes exciting as one understands the gameplay. With many entities, mobs, concepts, and much more, new players are bound to be overwhelmed and can find themselves in a difficult situation.
However, plenty of tricks can be employed to make the game feel easier. Here are ten such tips and tricks that are useful for beginners in Minecraft.
10 tips and tricks for beginners in Minecraft
1) Use Lava Bucket as a fuel source

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Smelting items is one of the most important tasks one discovers when playing the game. Whether it is ores or food, players constantly need a fuel supply. While charcoal and coal are decent fuel sources, lava is a fantastic alternative.
One lava bucket can smelt 100 items together, which makes it 12.5 times more efficient than coal and charcoal.
2) Use water buckets to transit across high locations
Exploration is one of the most significant aspects of Minecraft. The journey can sometimes take players to higher altitudes, which are dangerous to navigate. However, a water bucket can serve a great purpose in these regions.
One can place water to go down a steep hill or even climb one again. With enough practice, players can also master the MLG tactics, saving them from a steep fall.
3) Use trapdoors for fencing
Fencing is required to contain animals and other mobs for breeding. However, regular fences make it difficult for players to manage animals, especially when moving in and out of the animal farm.
Therefore, trapdoors are a great alternative since players can jump in and out of it, but animals cannot.
4) Boats can be used to capture mobs

Sometimes, it is difficult to transit with mobs, especially those who cannot be led using items. Therefore, a boat can serve the purpose of capturing and transporting mobs efficiently. Just place a boat near the mob, and they will enter the vehicle.
Players can now embark on the boat and ride into the desired location with the mob.
5) Use doors to breathe underwater

Underwater exploration comes across as dangerous and challenging since players must explore and fight hostile mobs, all while avoiding drowning. However, doors can serve a fantastic purpose here since they can make air pockets underwater.
Players can place doors underwater, enter them, and restore their breathing. However, beware, as this trick only works in the Java edition and not the Bedrock edition.
6) Build a shelter
A shelter is extremely important in Minecraft as it safeguards players from hostile mobs, especially during the night. The shelter need not be anything fancy but can contain basic things like chests, a furnace, and a crafting table.
Don’t forget to make and add a bed to save your spawn point in the house. Minecraft can be a very dangerous world, so having a safe haven is always good.
7) Use a campfire to cook raw food

Cooking food is a cumbersome task at the beginning of the Minecraft world. This is because players need a furnace to cook raw meat, for which one needs nine cobblestones and fuel, which is difficult to find in the initial stages of the game.
A campfire, however, can be a great alternative to cooking food since its requirements are minimal and do not require any fuel source.
8) Enable and use coordinates

Coordinates are essential for players navigating their way through the infinite world of Minecraft. The coordinate system comprises three axes: X, Y, and Z, where X and Z are horizontal planes, and Y is the vertical plane.
The coordinates will be numbered in the same format players can use to mark their locations. Press F3 in Java edition to see the coordinates. For the Bedrock edition, players must enable it from the settings.
9) Use Seed locator to discover the world

Every Minecraft world has a unique number known as seed, which can be found in the world settings. This can be used to find important landmarks around the players using websites like chunkbase.com.
Even though it hinders the exploration aspect of the game, players can use this method to quickly look for treasures, villages, biomes, and much more.
10) Using torches to prevent death by suffocation

Blocks like gravel and sand are collapsible, which comes across as dangerous when players are mining. This is because gravel and sand can collapse and suffocate the players.
However, if one places a torch underneath while mining these blocks, the collapsed entities will break instantly and enter the player's inventory.
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