In every Minecraft world, one of the most abundant pieces of weaponry is the arrow.
Capable of inflicting debuffs such as slowness and poison, or buffs such as instant healing or even doubling the players jump. Theses arrows are crafted by brewing splash potions with dragons breath to create lingering potions, then surround that potion with regular arrows on a crafting table. Depending on the strength of the potion and if it's an extended duration potion or not, the effects of the arrows will vary, with stronger versions of arrows running on a shorter time frame than their weaker counterparts. There's many kinds, but here's the 10 best arrows in Minecraft
Here are the top 10 types of arrows that can be found in Minecraft
#10- Jump Boost

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Sporting a bright green particle trail, these arrows can up to double the players jump height for nearly 30 seconds. For every teammate who's been chased up a mountain and had to waste time fumbling with blocks, this is their saving grace. Map makers can also rejoice at the prospect of using these arrows at the right spots in a parkour challenge for the added difficulty.
#9- Swiftness

An increase in sprint speed is never a bad idea, especially when running into or out of battle. Couple this arrow with the jump boost for a quick and easy getaway from any pursuers. Or, it could even be used to turn the tide and catch up to a fleeing body filled with loot.
#8 Fire Resistance

This arrow is a must have for cooperative nether exploration. Consider a situation where a friend makes a fatal misstep straight into a lava lake. They're moments away from losing all of that bastion loot, but that's when an arrow loaded up with fire resistance can prove to be their saviour. Take aim and fire in time to save all of their hard earned gear.
This Minecraft arrow, depending on the level, boasts up to a minute of protection from the extreme heat that lava brings, giving anyone struck with it enough time to make it back to stable ground.
#7- Slowness

After a long battle, the enemy swordsman is attempting to escape. One lone archer raises their bow and takes aim. A single arrow, trailed by a stream of gray bubbles, makes it's mark, and for the next two seconds they are slowed by 60%, thereby leading to the enemy's end. In another universe, the swordsman dodges the first arrow of slowness, turns around and fires their own, slowing the approaching attacker by 15% for a whole minute.
#6- Poison

The worst part about exploring abandoned mineshafts are the cave spiders that just love to make sure that players' health never goes above half a heart. These arrows accomplish the same thing. With an incredible 11 seconds of poison, two well placed and timed shots, will leave any ill-prepared enemy on their deathbed.
#5- Spectral

These arrows are the only ones on the list to be made differently. All that's required is some glowstone dust and a single arrow. The effect this arrow delivers shows a solid white outline of the player it hits for 10 seconds. This effect can be seen through blocks, and is the perfect way to make sure that an enemy is unable to escape. Alternatively, there is a chance that piglins could exchange these arrows for some gold in the nether.
#4- Regeneration/Instant Health

These two arrow variants both accomplish the same thing - healing. It's suggested to fire these arrows at allies only, and with a bow that has not been enchanted, so as to decrease the potential damage that could interfere with the healing.
#3- Weakness

One of the most powerful debuffs to start a fight - this arrow will reduce the targets melee damage by two whole hearts, for up to 30 seconds. It's advised to have this arrow be the first to land right as a battle is about to begin, so that pressure can be applied without the worry of losing the encounter. Do not waste this arrow if it's been prepared, as it could turn the tide of the battle.
#2- Harming

Minecrafts most dangerous arrow, the higher tier version of this instantly deals an additional four hearts of damage, on top of the damage from the bow itself. It's recommended that these arrows are paired with poison tipped arrows to fully maximize damage output on a single target. Whatever happens in the fight, don't shoot your teammates, as they wouldn't be too happy.
#1- Strength

Minecrafts most powerful buff is strength. This arrow is able to completely change up any battle, even a three on one. The second tier of strength applies at melee damage buff of three hearts per attack, only lasting for 11 seconds. Perfect for quick sparring matches, fire this arrow straight up to give yourself the buff, or strike an ally the same way as the healing arrows for some ranged support.

Although these arrows are rarely used, if used in conjunction with each other, they can become extremely deadly combos. Find the best archer on the server, give them all of these arrows, and have them become a ranged support class, dishing out heals and damage buffs to anyone in battle, and support buffs for those adventuring.
The worst part about these arrows are their dependence on dragons breath to be crafted, but as long as empty bottles are brought along to defeat the ender dragon, there'll be enough to last a lifetime.
For more on potions, read: 5 best potions in Minecraft
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