Minecraft 1.19 is a pretty major update in terms of world generation, adding both the mangrove swamps and the ancient cities in the deep dark. However, there have been more extensive updates in terms of total content added, such as 1.16, which saw a massive overhaul of the nether, including bastions, piglins, and the inclusion of Minecraft’s best song, Pigstep.
With 1.19 adding new biomes, players who want to experience them will need to travel to entirely new chunks in their current world, which will generate with the new code, or start a new world with either a set or a random seed. This will ensure that the entire world can contain the new content. Here are some of the best Minecraft 1.19 seeds that players should try out in the game.
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Ten best seeds to try out in Minecraft 1.19
10) Village survival island

Seed code: 43664882
This seed spawns players near quite a unique island. While the isle features a villager, there is next to no land outside what the village has generated directly, making the island relatively thin and narrow.
Thankfully, the village has spawned with a tree, meaning users will have access to renewable wood resources. There is also a blacksmith in the village to help aid progression.
While this seed does not have quick access to any of the new 1.19 features, it does offer a fun and unique way to experience a survival world trapped amongst the villagers amid an ocean.
Village: -100, -450
Small mushroom biome: 250, 250
9) Mangrove spawn

Seed code: 6306808076142139007
The main draw of this seed is where gamers spawn: inside a mangrove swamp biome. This is one of the new biomes that 1.19 has added to the title, and it would typically need to be found through exploration of the world.
This means that it would be totally RNG-dependent, and unlucky players might have a hard time finding one naturally.
This seed will allow them quick and easy access to frogs. While the mangrove swamp that users spawn in is not particularly large, it is an excellent way to experience the biome initially before moving on to the other features that the game offers with the addition of 1.19.
8) Pillager prisoner spawn

The seed is: -7697517329571641383
This seed spawns gamers inside a plains biome, with a pillager outpost about 100 blocks away. While this is advantageous because it means that they will have quick access to the new allay, it also means that they will spawn near some mighty enemies, especially for underprepared players.
The proximity of the pillager outpost is the only downside to the seed. If not cautious, this can quickly cause user deaths, but having the outpost in the spawn chunks makes it very useful for a farm.
Any automated farms located in the spawn chunks will work no matter where gamers are in the world, as the chunks are always loaded.
Allay cage location: 69, 87
7) Boggy outpost

This seed is: -4890848222659350158
This seed is similar to the mangrove swamp spawn seed and the outpost spawn seed simultaneously. It features a pillager outpost inside a mangrove swamp.
The significant difference between this seed and those others is that while the latter spawns players next to the updated features, this seed has the updated features a little more than a thousand blocks away.
This will ensure they have easy access to allays, knowing the exact coordinates of the pillager outpost.
However, it is also far enough away that users can confront the outpost whenever they would like and once they have had time to adequately prepare for the challenge.
Pillager outpost location: -1306, -343
6) Jungle crater

The seed is: 4923725547689910475
This seed spawns players inside a jungle biome cradled by a ring of stony peaks. A nether portal located near the center of this jungle biome will take them to a nether fortress hosting a double blaze spawner.
The jungle spawn is directly over an ancient city. There is a pillager outpost a few hundred blocks away built over another ancient city, making it an excellent seed for users who want to quickly experience the 1.19 features but also desire a unique spawn location.
Outpost location: 85, -680
5) Triple ancient city stronghold

The seed is: 7901583960864769992
This seed spawns gamers in a jungle biome. This is a double-edged sword, as it means they will have ample and easy access to wood and could potentially make a large treehouse base, claiming the canopy.
However, the real appeal of this base is, as the name implies, the stronghold located above a total of three different ancient cities. This means that players can set up a nether portal network that will connect them to the stronghold for easy access to the end.
It will also allow them to loot ancient cities as they see fit without making long voyages after each potential death.
The stronghold also has a mineshaft attached to it, making the potential for loot even higher than just what the ancient cities have to offer.
The stronghold: 1640, 340
Ancient city one: 1225, 490
Ancient city two: 1386, 186
Ancient city three: 1621, 103
4) Bedrock Structures seed

The seed is: 3546842701776989958
Since structure generation does not have parity between the Java and Bedrock editions of the game, this seed will only work for the latter’s users in terms of structure generation. The terrain should primarily be identical between the two versions, however.
This seed spawns gamers near four structures of the game, with three being considered among the best it has to offer. The structures that Bedrock players will have immediate access to near spawn are a village, a shipwreck, a pillager outpost, and a desert temple.
The desert temple, shipwreck, and village should provide enough loot to be adequately prepared to take on the pillager outpost, and once the raiders have been bested and the village is safe, users should be able to make quick work of the rest of the game.
Additionally, there is also a massive mangrove swamp nearby, meaning gamers can quickly access some of 1.19’s best features, such as the swamp and the allay.
3) Triple blacksmith village spawn

The seed is: -183412789913619791
This seed spawns players inside a tundra village with a whopping three blacksmiths. These blacksmiths will grant them much-needed loot, which can then be used on the many structures found underneath the village.
There are two connected ancient cities, a stronghold and a ruined portal that places users into a bastion remnant fused with a nether fortress, all directly underneath the spawn village.
This makes this seed quite rich in resources and easy to complete, meaning gamers can quickly jump into the building-focused half of Minecraft should they so desire.
Other snow village: 291, 850
Massive dripstone cave: -27, 700
2) Massive exposed sculk cave

The seed is: 5974902417451286596
This seed will spawn players in a massive and beautiful mountain biome. A mountain just a few hundred blocks from spawn has a huge exposed sculk cave that features two amethyst geodes and a mineshaft.
A plains village also generates at the edge of a mountain and a mountain valley, with parts of it generating inside a dripstone cave. Also next to spawn is a mountain crater surrounded by snowy peaks with a large village and ruined portal just on the outside of the mountains.
All of this pales in comparison to the massive ancient city directly underneath spawn, however, which consists of four ancient cities that have generated as one mega city.
Dripstone cave: -705, -210
Dripstone village: 206, 154
Village with ruined portal: -276, 306
Ancient cities: -161, 94
1) Deep Dark Urban Sprawl

The seed is: 2296616468809785931
This seed spawns users in a birch forest biome. About 1500 blocks from spawn, there is a massive deep dark biome, more than a thousand blocks across.
This deep dark biome features not one, three, or even five ancient cities but a whopping 15. There is also a second deep dark biome nearby with additional access to the ancient city biome.
Since there are so many ancient cities in such a relatively small area, gamers should have easy access to whatever loot they might need to get from these cities. This should also hopefully be enough chests for them to be able to craft the new music disc, 5.
This will also give any potential builders easy access to soul lanterns before the nether, should individuals not rush into that dimension.
Ancient city one, the start of the massive deep dark biome: 1643, 89
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer’s opinions.
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