One of the best features of any major Minecraft update are the bug fixes, which remove game-breaking or frustrating issues, resulting in the game being much more enjoyable to play for long periods of time. The title's 1.21 update, also known as Tricky Trials, has been great for bug fixes, featuring hundreds of resolved issues between Java and Bedrock.
Detailed below are the 10 most important glitches being fixed with Tricky Trials.
What are the top 10 glitches being fixed with Minecraft Tricky Trials?
10) Wind charges can hit breezes

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Bug ID: MCPE-178900
MCPE-178900 was a bug introduced in earlier Minecraft Tricky Trials snapshots and release candidates. This Bedrock bug allowed breeze mobs to be hit with wind charges. These mobs are supposed to be totally immune to projectiles, as a direct result of the galeforce winds blowing around them at all times.
Ultimately, this was a more minor bug, but it was quite immersion-breaking and directly involved one of 1.21's best features, so seeing it fixed is quite nice.
9) The end portal cures statuses

Bug ID: MC-6431
This strange Java Edition bug was able to remove any and all status effects a player had when going through the end portal after killing Minecraft's ender dragon final boss.
While not a major bug, it could remove useful buffs early or be a nice way to get rid of nasty effects. This balancing factor is what makes it the ninth-best Tricky Trials bug to be fixed.
8) Entities don't receive knockback from dispenser attacks

Bug ID: MC-44280
This Java Edition bug allowed entities, such as Minecraft's mobs, to not receive any knockback when hit with a projectile fired from a dispenser. While another relatively minor bug, certain farm designs were impossible due to this issue.
Having it fixed makes it easier to use dispensers in redstone builds as intended.
7) Players pass through boats

Bug ID: MCPE-120687
This moderate Bedrock bug allowed players to fall straight through boats as they traveled upwards. It made working on water builds much more annoying, as it was possible to fall straight through boats while trying to use them as mobile building platforms.
This style of Minecraft build is quite common, which is why this bug fix is the seventh best of Tricky Trials.
6) Mob-specific enchantments buffing sweeping edge

Bug ID: MC-117361
This Java Edition combat bug relates to some of Minecraft's best weapon enchantments. If a sword has any enchantments that increase damage against a specific type of mob, such as bane of arthropods or smite, as well as sweeping edge, the extra mobs hit would take additional damage.
Having this bug fixed makes combat much more balanced, which is why it's the sixth-most important bug fix of 1.21.
5) Players in single-player worlds can be kicked for spamming

Bug ID: MC-14923
This awful Java Edition bug is the first major issue to be fixed in Tricky Trials. This bug could cause single-player worlds to kick a player out for sending too many messages in chat too quickly.
The issue here is obvious and huge: players should never be kicked out of their solo game for any reason.
4) Missing copper and tuff recipes

Bug ID: MCPE-176613
This major Bedrock bug relates to the huge new range of both copper and tuff blocks found in Tricky Trials. Many of these gorgeous new blocks can be found making up the structure of Minecraft trial chambers. However, there was a time when the crafting recipes for these new blocks just didn't appear in crafting menus.
Thankfully, though, this major 1.21 bug has been fixed, allowing builders to use these wonderful new blocks in survival bases.
3) TNT doesn't drop items properly

Bug ID: MCPE-56036
A major parity issue between Minecraft Bedrock and Java for a long time was TNT drop rates. TNT in Java Edition dropped all the blocks blown up, allowing it to be used in farms. For the longest time, this wasn't the case in Bedrock.
Thankfully, though, this bug has finally been addressed, allowing Bedrock players to make many of Minecraft's best farms.
2) The obsidian end platform resets on entry

Bug ID: MC-902 and MC-160140
This combination of Java Edition bugs relates to how blocks interact with the block regeneration found in Minecraft's underdeveloped End dimension. Whenever a player enters the end, the obsidian spawn platform regenerates. This ensures that the player has a safe spot to spawn. However, it also deletes the blocks there. This includes important items such as chests, ender chests, and even shulker boxes.
Needless to say, having entire inventories instantly deleted is never good, so seeing this issue fixed is a huge deal.
1) Decorated pots have infinite loot

Bug ID: MCPE-177064
This strange Bedrock bug affected the decorated pots found in trial chambers. When broken, these pots can drop loot, such as banner patterns and music discs. However, this bug allowed these pots to be replanced and rebroken, after which they would drop new loot.
It's easy to see why this is the most important bug fix in Tricky Trials. It allowed players instant, infinite access to any item found in decorated pots, such as trial keys, gold and iron ingots, emeralds, and blocks of diamond and emerald. This would totally break progression, so this is a vital bug to get fixed.
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