Top 10 Java seeds for building in Minecraft 1.19 update

Top 10 Java seeds for building in Minecraft 1.19 update
Top 10 Java seeds for building in Minecraft 1.19 update
A moat island in Minecraft 1.19 (Image via Mojang)
A moat island in Minecraft 1.19 (Image via Mojang)

With the release of Minecraft's 1.19 update, players are finding a ton of new world seeds worth exploring.

In the same light, the community has discovered more than a few seeds that also provide prime spots for building whatever a player might desire.

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The same seed entered in Minecraft: Java Edition can vary somewhat if placed in Bedrock Edition. This typically leads to structures generating in slightly different locations.

However, some Bedrock seeds are fully-compatible with Java Edition and feature no distinguishable generation differences.

Regardless, players can check out the list below for some excellent Java Edition seeds that present great opportunities to build any structure they might like.

Note: This article reflects the opinion of the writer


Mangrove Mountain Cove (41000080), Natural Moat (2) and more Minecraft: Java 1.19 seeds with excellent building locations

1) Massive Mangrove Swamp (28000016)

Mangrove swamps in Minecraft 1.19 (Image via Mojang)
Mangrove swamps in Minecraft 1.19 (Image via Mojang)

Mangrove swamps are one of two new biomes introduced in Minecraft 1.19, along with the deep dark biome.


This seed spawns players in a huge, sprawling mangrove swamp. It will take some time to clear out a place to build, but players will have a ton of mud blocks and mangrove wood blocks at their disposal.

Using these new block types, Minecraft players can create natural-looking structures that can impress and inspire.

2) Snowy Mountains and Plains (-7649949940957896961)

This seed provides a great mountain locale and plenty of plains (Image via Mojang)
This seed provides a great mountain locale and plenty of plains (Image via Mojang)

Plains biomes are among the best locations for building, and this seed combines them with a nearby forest and snowy mountain biome.


Players can head into the mountains for easy access to stone and ores and the forest for wood. Nearby water bodies allow players to fish and grab things like kelp and seagrass.

Once Minecraft players have the materials they need, they'll have wide, flat plains to build the creation of their dreams upon.


3) Multiple Biomes at Spawn (46942827301)

This seed has plenty of biomes for players to harvest resources from (Image via Mojang)
This seed has plenty of biomes for players to harvest resources from (Image via Mojang)

This Minecraft 1.19 seed comes courtesy of YouTuber Minecraft & Chill. Players spawn in a mountain grove but have a multitude of biomes to find materials in.


Within a few steps of the spawn point, players can find stony and snowy mountain peaks, jungles/bamboo jungles, a dark forest and even an old spruce wood taiga.

With such block variety available at spawn, players can make some truly unique builds with a large number of blocks if they so choose. Otherwise, they can stash the extra materials and use them for future creations.

Also check: Minecraft seed map


4) Mangrove Mountain Cove (41000080)

The natural terrain of this seed is begging to be built upon (Image via Mojang)
The natural terrain of this seed is begging to be built upon (Image via Mojang)

This Minecraft seed drops players into a windswept savannah biome, but the real treasure lies at (X: 25, Z: -175). At those coordinates, players can find a gorgeous watery cove surrounded by mountains.


Even better, a few steps away from the cove, players will find a mangrove swamp biome for mangrove and mud blocks. The natural terrain of the cove makes it a perfect spot to build a gorgeous base or decorative creation.

Thanks to this seed's biome placement, players should be able to accrue all the materials they need to build a great structure within the cove's waters.


5) Shipwreck Survival Island (8490635458390752516)

Survival islands can be tough but can make for great building sites (Image via Mojang)
Survival islands can be tough but can make for great building sites (Image via Mojang)

Survival islands in Minecraft can be tough places to live, but they can be just as great for building awesome homes and other structures.


This seed spawns players on one such survival island, complete with bees nesting in the nearby forest. A shipwreck also rests offshore at (X: -371, Y: 66, Z: -225) for some easy loot.

With plenty of wood and sand, players can make some excellent tropical builds to fit the island's aesthetic, and the shipwreck complements this wonderfully.

6) Natural Moat (2)

This seed's river makes a perfect moat for a castle (Image via Mojang)
This seed's river makes a perfect moat for a castle (Image via Mojang)

Players spawn on a small forested island in this Minecraft seed. It is surrounded by a small river, isolated from any larger body of water. Because of the way this terrain generates, players can clear out the forest island at spawn and make an impressive castle using the nearby river as a moat.


If players need more stone blocks, there are nearby hills adjacent to the river that should provide for plenty of mining opportunities. This isolated island should keep hostile mobs away once it's sufficiently lit with the right blocks, making it a welcome place for players.


7) Mushroom Island Paradise (5975519174833736675)

Players have plenty of variety in this seed (Image via Mojang)
Players have plenty of variety in this seed (Image via Mojang)

Mushroom islands make perfect Minecraft building locations, thanks to their relative safety. Mushroom field biomes don't spawn hostile mobs, providing a very safe locale to build in peace. However, this seed's mushroom island is conjoined with two savannah biomes as well as a forest biome complete with a woodland mansion.


On a nearby beach from the mansion, Minecraft players can also find a shipwreck ripe for exploration and looting. On this island, players should be able to find plenty of materials for their builds without needing to worry about too many hostile mobs giving them trouble.

8) Hillside Savannah Village (-698247204184653391)

This seed's village can make for a great place to call home (Image via Mojang)
This seed's village can make for a great place to call home (Image via Mojang)

Villages always make great starting places in Minecraft. This is due in part to their capacity to facilitate trades and collect materials at an incredibly early juncture.


This seed features a village embedded in a savannah hillside, making for an excellent place to trade for and collect items.

Once players have what they need from the savannah trees and nearby mountains, they can build a cozy home within the village. They can even spread out into the relatively flat savannah hills to create their ideal base or building.


9) Mountain Plains Meadow (7229962402130211473)

This serene plains biome is surrounded by large mountains (Image via Mojang)
This serene plains biome is surrounded by large mountains (Image via Mojang)

This seed provides an excellent hybrid for Minecraft builders who love plains biomes. A nice, gentle plains biome rests at the spawn, which is surrounded by a large ring of mountains. A small river also juts from one side of these mountains, providing water wherever needed.


Players can harvest the wood and stone that they need from their surroundings and have a huge flatland for building once they have their materials. They can even build atop the mountains if they'd like, as they provide a fairly large surface area on their own.

10) Superflat Hills (4504535438041489910)

This seed provides maximum building room (Image via Mojang)
This seed provides maximum building room (Image via Mojang)

This Minecraft seed is an excellent choice for players who need as much room as possible for their builds. This seed provides a huge flat plains biome that tapers off into a cliff.


Finding wood resources can be a little tricky, but there are some nearby forests to help accommodate players. Obtaining stone and other underground ores should be no issue, thanks to the sheer size of the biome and its elevation above ground.

Once the materials are set, players will have a massive expanse to build on that can feel almost like a super flat world type.

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh
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