Minecraft's Survival Mode can be tough, especially at higher difficulties and when players are starting out, so it pays to have a solid starter base set up for the long haul.
Many starter base designs in Minecraft incorporate accessible materials to make the build process as simple as possible. Even though these designs often include simple materials, that doesn't mean they can't be built elegantly. There are also amenities to consider, including food and crafting stations to ensure players have all they need to survive.
There are countless designs to choose from, but some may take priority for players depending on their needs.
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Amazing Minecraft starter builds for a base in a new world
10) Cave Base

There are more than a few mountains that can generate in players' Minecraft world, thanks to the recent Caves & Cliffs update.
Players can build a starter base ripe for expansion with just a pickaxe and a little bit of creativity, thanks to mountains being so large in Minecraft 1.18.2. They can add some wood blocks such as fencing, barrels, and unlit campfires for a nice entrance to their mountain base, and the interior can be as fanciful as they like.
9) Open Top House

Made primarily with stripped wood blocks, wood planks, and plenty of glass panes, this build has one unique aspect to it: its entrance.
This build's entrance is its open roof, which players can climb down into. Though this particular creation was made underwater, there's no reason why players can't build it on dry land with a nice elongated ladder or staircase. The hoarding on the roof also ensures that no hostile spiders climb their way in.
8) Raised Base

No matter how Minecraft players build their base, defensive posturing is always worth considering. It's part of the reason players build structures like walls and fencing.
This build takes that one step further by placing the shelter on a raised platform of stone and cobblestone. Fencing rests on the outer perimeter of the platform, ensuring players have an advance warning of any dangers. The trees also make for excellent resource gathering and look quite nice to boot.
7) Hill Base

Like mountains, Minecraft 1.18.2 is also capable of creating sizable hills that slope either gently or aggressively. Since this is the case, it doesn't hurt to hollow out a small area of the hill and live inside of it. It shouldn't take too much space to make a base a home, as this design illustrates.
Players can simply add a few amenities like a double chest, crafting table, and bed, and they've got themselves a hill base. Bases like these can make great intermediary homes while players are out traveling or are building their primary homes.
6) Mushroom Base

Minecraft's large mushrooms are great for making mushroom soup, but that isn't the only purpose they can serve. Since red mushrooms generate in a certain shape, they leave a considerable amount of room inside.
With that in mind, players can hollow out the mushroom's stem and climb into it with a ladder, creating a perfect situation to set up a base. Players can even break off other parts of the mushroom's exterior to add windows or other decorations if they'd like since mushroom blocks aren't affected by gravity.
5) Riverside Base

Water is always a good resource to have close by in Minecraft, so why not build your base right on the water? This build uses a multi-floor design to allow players the room to decorate and accommodate, and a dock on the ground floor is a great place to fish or hop in a boat and take a trip downstream.
This build is compact and ensures players never run out of food, thanks to the bountiful yield of fish, in addition to providing natural transportation for the players' boat if they choose to make one.
4) Watchtower Base

This one is an excellent choice for a build that Minecraft players can create quickly. Built on stilts and lit with lanterns, this open-ended watchtower concept can give players a much more holistic base setting, though space is at a premium.
Players must also consider the range of skeletons, who may be able to fire arrows considerably high, even potentially while players are in their base. This isn't ideal, so players may want to add protective measures or increase the tower's height to ensure they're safe.
3) The Raft

This particular Minecraft base takes the river base concept to its logical extreme: Placing a base in the middle of the ocean. By placing stilts reaching into the water, players can create a small platform to place their base upon. With a little dirt, players can even create a condensed farm for their survival needs.
This build will likely take a considerable amount of wooden plank blocks and stripped wood for aesthetic flair, so Minecraft players will likely need to spend some time using their axes on log blocks.
2) Underground Base

For maximum security, Minecraft players may want to consider building an underground base. This design allows plenty of room and decorates the interior exceptionally well with wooden planks and plant life from the surface, such as leaf blocks.
However, it will take players a considerable amount of time to dig through the layers of stone to create a sizable base for this design, so it's best done in steps. Players should also ensure their surroundings are very well-lit during the build process to avoid spawning in unsavory hostile mobs.
1) Condensed Underground Base

Another underground Minecraft base that players can build effortlessly. This design isn't much larger than a hole but still has enough space for players to place all their survival essentials.
Constructed from wooden planks, trapdoors, and pressure plates, this design also allows players to enter the base without the need for a door. This should also ensure that any hostile mobs that come wandering around shouldn't be able to access the base or Minecraft players inside, making it an excellent shelter.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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