Minecraft has four different difficulties that players can choose from when creating a new world. One of them is hard, which is the most challenging difficulty to play on.
The difficulty at which the game is set can significantly affect a Minecrafter's playstyle. Players will have a harder time with it, but they can also take advantage of some of the features that are available only on hard difficulty.
Reasons why players should try Hard difficulty in Minecraft
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3) Higher mob drop rates

These are items that mobs drop when a player kills them. If the game's difficulty is set to hard, there's a higher chance of pillagers and vindicators dropping some items. Pillagers, when killed, have an 80% chance of dropping an additional item along with 0-1 emeralds.
This probability is slightly lower on easy and medium, where it is 65%. Similarly, vindicators have increased chances (80%) of dropping an item. Players should note that this is for Bedrock Edition only.
2) Easier zombification of villagers

Trading is one of the most beneficial features of Minecraft. However, the trades offered by a few villagers are over expensive. To make them offer cheaper trades, players can convert them into zombies and then cure them. After doing so, the villager starts offering heavy discounts on all its offers.
The chances of them becoming zombie villagers when attacked by a zombie are highest in hard difficulty. This will save players a lot of time. Villagers have a 100% probability of becoming a zombie in Hard, 50% in Medium, and 0% in easy difficulty.
1) Higher mob spawn rate

Mobs in Minecraft Survival mode either spawn through a spawner or naturally when light level conditions are met. When the game's difficulty is set to hard, they start spawning a lot more often. This significantly affects mob farms, and they yield more items and experience points because more mobs are present on the farm.
Note: The article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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