Minecraft is a large game that is full of things for players to do. Although the game is fun, there are a lot of do's and don'ts that players should be aware of. As easy as it is to mine and do simple tasks in the game, it is easy to get embroiled in a disaster as well.
Players who are new to Minecraft may not be aware of the most annoying elements of the game. Simple mistakes that can be avoided might end up causing the player to die and lose all their valuable loot.
In this article, players will learn the top five most annoying things in Minecraft.
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Five of the most annoying things in Minecraft
5) Creepers

Creepers are definitely one of the most annoying mobs in the game. These mobs do not care about anything. Creepers will blow the player up and everything else around it.
Whenever a creeper gets near a player, it will turn into a time bomb and blow up after a few seconds. The only way for players to really counter the creeper once the time goes off is by using a shield, killing it, or running away as fast as possible.
4) Drowning in lava pools

When mining in caves or large ravines, the number one reason why it is important not to dig straight down is because of lava pools.
If a player is not paying attention, or they accidentally mine through blocks that have lava sitting under them, they will drown and lose all of their items. The worst part is that since the items fell in lava, they have burned and are unretrievable (unless they are netherite).
It is possible for players to come up from lava pools if they quickly mine the blocks around them and build their way out, however, they have to be really fast. Players can also use a water bucket on the lava to turn it into obsidian.
3) Fall damage

Most players know what it feels like to accidentally fall from a great height in Minecraft and die to fall damage. In Minecraft, it is common to accidentally fall off a high platform when building.
Unless players have a totem of undying or feathers while falling, they will undoubtedly perish. Goats can also ram players off of mountains and high elevations .. yikes!
2) Diamond ore near lava

Since diamond ore and lava can both be found on the same lava stage, it is natural to see the precious element above, around, or sometimes even next to lava pools and waterfalls.
This is a little frustrating for the players since they are more susceptible to drowning in the lava. They will either be forced to turn the lava into obsidian, or build a building over it to mine the diamonds.
If the diamonds are above the lava, players will have to get rid of the latter to mine the ore. If they don't, the ore could fall into the lava and be destroyed.
1) Skeletons / Skeletons in house

Skeletons are one of the most common mobs in Minecraft. However, owing to their large numbers, they are also very annoying. Skeletons have bows, so they do not have to be close to players to hit them.
The bad part about this is that the player will have to go to the skeleton to kill it instead of vice versa. Skeletons tend to have a habit of appearing behind players and shooting them when they least expect it.
These mobs can also end up spawning in the player's self-built houses if they are not lit properly. Skeletons are a true nuisance in Minecraft.
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