Top 5 automatic farms in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.18

Bedrock Edition 1.18.2 (Image via Minecraft)
Bedrock Edition 1.18.2 (Image via Minecraft)

Automatic farms in Minecraft are of great value, as they allow players to collect resources without having to grind for hours for one in particular. It gives players the freedom to roam the world and explore the game, rather than worrying about collecting resources. These farms in Minecraft can range from simple, easy cobblestone generators, to massive projects such as a Wither farm.

These farms may seem time consuming, but the rewards it reaps later on are worth the while. Most of the tutorials regarding automatic farms are focused on Minecraft Java Edition, hence finding tutorials exclusive for Bedrock Edition can be slightly difficult.

This article features five of the best automatic farms in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.18 that a player can incorporate into their world; in order to have an efficient and lively experience.

Note: This article reflects the writer's opinion.

5 best automatic farms to use in Minecraft 1.18 Bedrock Edition

5) AFK Fish and Bone Farm


Food is one of the most vital commodities in Minecraft. There are several ways to collect food, such as by growing wheat, carrots, potatoes, and beetroots, or by killing animals such as pigs, cows or chickens and then cooking them.

However, fish can also be a great source of food and this farm allows the players to collect raw salmon and cod fish in large quantities, along with bones, which can be further put to other uses by converting it into bone meal. Fish can also be traded with fishermen villagers to get emeralds.

This farm not only works to provide food to the player but also has other uses to it.

4) Automatic Sugarcane Farm


Sugarcane is a very versatile block in Minecraft and has several uses to it. It can be used to give sugar, which is one of the ingredients required to make cake, or it can be used to make certain potions. By placing three sugarcane next to each other on a crafting table, paper is created, which is a very important item. Paper is used to make books, which is crucial to crafting an enchanting table. Also, papers can be traded with villagers to get emeralds.

These blocks can be found spawning naturally on dirt, grass or sand blocks adjacent to some water. An automatic sugarcane farm is a simple and efficient way of gathering sugarcane, which is needed in abundance.

3) Creeper Farm


One of the most dangerous mobs to come across in the overworld is the Creeper. These mobs, unlike Zombies, drop Gunpowder - a useful item for making rockets or splash potions. However, collecting gunpowder is no easy task, as killing this mob can be tricky, because they spawn only in the night or in caves. Hence, creating an automatic Creeper farm is not only helpful for collecting gunpowder but also good for avoiding a Creeper fight.

2) XP Farm


XP is very crucial in Minecraft's survival mode, as it is required to carry out enchantments, repair tools and gear, and naming name tags. The enchanting mechanics in the game allow players to give special abilities to their armor, tools and weapons.

XP can be obtained manually in many ways like killing mobs, trading, breeding, mining ores and more. However, this way of collecting XP is laborious and time consuming, and XP farms provide a great way to escape the hard work and easily get the experience points required to perform a certain task.

1) Iron Farm


Iron is the most useful ore and has endless applications in Minecraft. It is used in so many builds and all the above farms require iron in one way or another. Finding iron and mining it in enormous quantities can be extremely strenuous. However, to build an iron farm, first the player needs to have at least some amount of iron with them to create hoppers and buckets.

Automated iron farms use Iron Golems as a source of iron, making the process completely automated and devoid of mining.

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