In almost every major Minecraft update, new loot locations are added to the game in the form of pregenerated structures. As of the 1.16 update, there are over 20 unique structures for players to loot from.
This list will highlight the top locations that hold the best loot to be found within Minecraft. Players should note that there is a heavy element of loot randomization in all structures, meaning that it is only possible to list the best locations for loot on a typical basis.
Note: This list is based only on the writer's opinion and is simply a guide for players.
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Top 5 places for loot in Minecraft
#5 - Shipwrecks

Shipwrecks are found underwater in the sea and consist of either a half or fully wrecked ship to be explored by the player.
Chests do spawn in the shipwreck monuments and usually contain some random items that have the potential to be somewhat worthwhile, including a chance to find items such as TNT and gunpowder.
The main prize from shipwrecks is actually the treasure map that players are able to find. The treasure map in question leads players to another particular loot location that will come up later on this list.
#4 - Nether fortresses

Nether fortresses are very large fortresses that only spawn in the Nether. They consist of massive intersecting pathways that randomly spawn chests and blazes.
The chests rarely disappoint, being on average much better than chest loot from other common structures, featuring precious items such as gold ingots, diamonds, and diamond horse armor.
It should also be mentioned that the blazes spawning here are very important as players require the blaze powder they drop upon their death. This is for making eye of enders to eventually beat the game.
#3 - Strongholds

Strongholds are another underground location with great loot to be found inside. They are specifically known for containing end portal frames, which are required in order to get to the end dimension, in which even more loot is to be found.
Altars can be found randomly within the compound, which contains iron gear and sometimes enchanted books or diamonds.
Chests that spawn inside storerooms also have a significant chance of containing enchanted books and rare items such as saddles, which are especially useful when playing on Minecraft survival servers.
#2 - Mineshafts

While they look as though they were designed for Minecraft parkour, Mineshafts are actually huge labyrinth-type scaffolding that is found underground.
The structure spawns loot chests that are scattered throughout the premises, some of which spawn inside Minecarts.
Chests that spawn within a Mineshaft structure, on average, contain lots of great loot, including diamonds, gold, and even enchanted golden apples.
This is also a great place for players to easily farm string due to the abundance of easily accessible cobwebs.
#1 - Treasure chests

Treasure chests will require a treasure map to be located, which are found in shipwrecks. Players must navigate to the marked X on the map and then proceed to dig downwards around it.
It should be mentioned for those unaware that to be able to fully tell a chest’s location, players need to hold the treasure map with two hands.
A treasure chest is also currently the only way in which players will be able to obtain a Heart of the Sea in Minecraft.
Gold and iron ingots are also possible spawns inside these chests, with diamonds also notably spawning at a respectable 50% of the time.
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