Minecraft has a lot of ores with a host of different uses. Some ores are common and can be easily found across most of the biomes, while others are extremely rare, spawning in specific biomes and levels. So in this article, we list the five most common ores in the game. Many players might be surprised to see some ores in this list.
The most common ores in Minecraft

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To compile this list, we looked at multiple parameters to define what common is. We have looked at how often these ores spawn in one chunk of loaded area in the game as well as how many of the ores spawn in that area. The order of the list starts from the least common to the most common ores in Minecraft.
5) Nether gold

Starting off the list with the least common ore in the game, many people might be shocked to see gold in this list. Gold is one of the rarest ores in the overworld but quite common in the Nether.
The Nether has a lot of gold nuggets deposits and when nine nuggets are combined, they give one gold ingot. So, players who need a lot of gold and struggle to find it in caves might want to visit the Nether once. Just keep an eye out on the Piglins. They do not like their gold getting stolen.
4) Iron

Iron is one of the most common ores in the game, and it has to be; it is one of the most useful ores needed to make a strong armor set, tools, weapons, buckets, cauldron, door, etc. Iron can be found in almost every biome and every cave system. Iron ore also spawns in mountains and abandoned mineshafts; hence, it finds the fourth spot in this list.
3) Nether Quartz

Minecraft players know that mining Nether quartz is one of the most effective and easiest ways of getting XP. Quartz is only found in the Nether and is quite common. It spawns regularly in almost all the levels and can be mined very quickly with even a pickaxe made of stone. Quartz is more common in the Nether than iron in the overworld.
2) Copper

Copper was added to the game only recently, and it was quite a disappointment. This was mostly because copper had almost no real use and was excessively abundant. While copper is mostly found in the upper levels and in dripstone caves, the cluster size makes it the second most common ore in the game. Copper spawns in a cluster of four to 12 ores, which means when players find the ore, they find a lot of it.
Thanks to the Tricky Trials update, copper now has quite a few variants and can be used as a great building block. Hopefully, Mojang does the same for other blocks as well.
1) Coal

The most common ore in Minecraft is coal, which is also the most common source of fuel in the game. Coal can be used to cook food, smelt ores, and make torches. Players need to get some coal when to start the game as it is essential for progressing. Hence, coal is considerably easy to find.
Coal not only spawns in all biomes and almost at every level, but it spawns in large clusters as well. It is common to find a cluster of 12 coal ores, especially in caves and mountains. While one variant of coal, called deep slate coal, is slightly rare, players can find it at deeper levels, especially during strip mining.
This concludes the list of the most common ores in Minecraft.
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