A cobblestone generator, a popular creation for Minecraft players, especially those who play a lot of Skyblock, is a simple and efficient way to create cobblestone without mining stone blocks.At its roots, cobblestone generators in Minecraft work based on a simple premise. A cobblestone block is created by combining running water and causing it to collide with a block of lava.
Since the water and lava are at the same elevation, the lava isn't converted into obsidian. Players can continuously mine the created cobblestone and watch as the water and lava create another block. Since the water and lava won't dissipate on their own, these creations are an easy source of infinite cobblestone.
Best cobblestone generator designs worth trying in Minecraft
5) Standard Cobblestone Generator

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For newer Minecraft players or those who aren't familiar with creating cobblestone generators, it doesn't hurt to start small and simple.
A basic cobblestone generator's design resembles a T shape with the lava and water placed at opposite ends of the top of the T. Players can then hop down into the empty part of the shape and mine the cobblestone at their leisure.
This doesn't create a vast number of cobblestone blocks, and players must mine each block independently. Still, it's a great starting place when new or inexperienced Minecraft players create their first cobblestone generator. Once players are comfortable with this baseline design, they can move along to the more complex versions.
4) Double Generator

Once Minecraft players are more comfortable with standard cobblestone generator designs, they may want to move to this design.
Players carve out a small 3x3 square, leaving a block in the center to control the lava and water flow. They can then place their water and lava at opposite corners of the square. With this design, the two fluids should intersect at two points of the generator. Doing so should create two blocks of cobblestone, which easily doubles the output of standard generators.
However, Minecraft players may want to be careful mining the cobblestone with this build, as a cobblestone block can occasionally fall into the lava if players aren't close enough to it when it is mined.
3) 4 Cobblestone Generator

For Minecraft players who want to get a little creative and increase their cobblestone output, this design is an excellent one to try.
The premise of this design involves creating multiple channels for water to flow through into a lava block on all sides. To ensure the water runs far enough, players must create a platform above the base platform and allow the water to run down into the channels.
This can be achieved with as little as one water bucket, depending on how the upper platform is built. Water runs down from the top platform, lands in the small channels, then runs into the center lava block, creating four separate cobblestone blocks. Minecraft players are then free to mine the cobblestone at their convenience.
2) Cobblestone Generator 2.0

Similar to the 4 cobblestone design, this Minecraft build utilizes top-down running water and block height to create multiple cobblestone blocks atop each other.
Once again, an upper platform is placed with a slab in its bottom center. Instead of being placed in channels, running water is allowed to run down underneath the build into a reservoir or pool below. Then, at the center of the base platform, players can place a lava bucket on the slab at the bottom of the upper platform.
This allows the lava to avoid flowing into the corners of the platform, and the lava will instead spread into the columns of running water. Since the lava is higher up than it would normally be, multiple parts of the lava make contact with the water, creating multiple cobblestone blocks on top of each other.
1) TNT Duper Cobblestone Generator

This Minecraft cobblestone generator doubles will take a significant amount of redstone machinery knowledge and plenty of resources to set up. The design utilizes a TNT duplicator and a collection of lava/water channels and pistons to create stone blocks that can be detonated with an infinite amount of primed TNT blocks, which can then be deposited into a storage system below the build.
The design is complex compared to many of its counterparts on this list, but it's capable of automatically creating and depositing thousands of cobblestone blocks in an hour, providing all of the cobblestone players could possibly need in a single storage location. Plus, this generator doesn't take up a ton of space.
It'll take a lot of work and plenty of resources to get this generator running, but once it's operational, it's unlikely that Minecraft players will ever need another cobblestone generator.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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