Duping glitches are glitches in Minecraft that players can use to duplicate items in the game. Duping is done by using certain game mechanics in Minecraft to exploit quirks and loopholes in the game’s code. Because of this, many of the most popular Minecraft streamers, SMPs, and servers consider duping to be a form of cheating.
There are many glitches that Minecraft players can use to dupe. Some of them are highly specific, with only a few affected items or blocks, while others are more general and can replicate entire inventories. Here’s a list of the top five duping glitches in Minecraft.
Top 5 Minecraft duping glitches
5) Dragon's breath dupe

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This Minecraft dupe can be used to gather large quantities of dragon’s breath. To do this, players will need to be above or below the fog that the Ender Dragon makes as it lands on the end portal. By looking at the fog from a steep angle, Minecraft players harvesting from it will be able to do so well past its initial limit.
Version: Java Edition 1.16.3 (Singleplayer)
4) Explosive rocket and elytra glitch
Players can use this glitch to dupe pretty much any item in the game. All they’ll need are an elytra, a low health bar, and an explosive firework.
Fireworks explosions are a scripted event in Minecraft, and the game can be out of sync when dispensing damage from them. The glitch uses this to the player’s advantage, and tricks Minecraft into thinking they’ve died. This lets players keep their inventory and drop it at the same time, which duplicates the items.
Paper and Spigot have long-since patched this glitch, but it will still work on servers and realms running certain versions of Vanilla Minecraft.
Version: Java Edition 1.16.5 (Multiplayer)
3) Infinite villager trading

Players push the villager they’d like to trade with in a boat, and then have a friend sit in the boat with it. The player then opens the villager’s GUI, and the friend disconnects from the server. Once the player finishes their trading and closes out of the villager’s GUI, the friend can reconnect. This should refresh the villager’s trading stats.
This glitch works on Paper and Spigot servers. Players should be able to use it any number of times.
Version: Java Edition 1.16+ (Multiplayer)
2) Carpet duping

Players can duplicate carpets using a machine made out of slime blocks, sticky pistons, and observers. This machine tricks Minecraft into thinking that the block is being broken and replaced at the same time, and will duplicate carpets infinetly.
This glitch should work for both single-player and multiplayer versions of Minecraft.
Version: Java Edition 1.16+ (Single-player and Multiplayer)
1) TNT Duping
TNT has earned its spot at the top of the list by being one of the most technical types of duping in Minecraft.
TNT duping works by exploiting specific mechanisms in Minecraft and tricking the game into continuously duplicating a block of TNT. The ways in which players do this are constantly evolving, with many of the game's most devoted players dedicating themselves to the cause.
With an ever-expanding list of glitches to choose from, duping glitches hold a special place in the hearts of many Minecraft players.
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