Advancements are super fun elements of Minecraft that motivate players to reach specific in-game goals. These tasks give Minecraft gamers an incentive to follow the loose story within the game in their respective survival worlds.
Many Advancements can be achieved in vanilla Minecraft. Some are incredibly rare to accomplish because there is such a wide variety, while others are quite simple.
Only the most highly advanced players can complete all of the Minecraft Advancements. Beating the ender dragon is one thing, but completing every single Minecraft Advancement is an entirely different, incredibly challenging feat.
On the other hand, many Advancements can be completed within minutes from first spawning into a new Minecraft world.
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The easiest Minecraft Advancements to achieve
1) Sweet Dreams

The Sweet Dreams Advancement is accomplished once a player sleeps in a bed for the first time. This does not need to be a full night’s sleep, but rather, a player has to lie down on a bed to achieve the Advancement.
Sweet Dreams is pretty simple to complete. A bed only requires three pieces of wool and three pieces of wood to craft. Plus, some players can get lucky and find a village early on with plenty of beds to choose from.
2) Monster Hunter

To complete the Monster Hunter Advancement, a player must kill a hostile or neutral mob for the first time in a new Minecraft world. This is often achieved upon entering a cave where hostile mobs await in the dark or during the first-night fall when creepers, spiders, skeletons, zombies, and sometimes others start spawning.
Monster Hunter is relatively easy to achieve because these common hostile mobs are so easy to come across.
3) Getting an Upgrade
Getting an Upgrade is achieved when a Minecraft player makes a stone pickaxe. This is usually one of the first things players do upon entering a new world, making it incredibly easy.
To mine the stone needed to craft a stone pickaxe, a player must first craft a wooden pickaxe to collect the material. Thus, the player gets a tool upgrade, as the name suggests.
Players do not need to first have a wooden pickaxe to complete the Getting an Upgrade achievement. Gamers automatically achieve a Getting an Upgrade when any Stone Pickaxe is placed in their inventory for the first time.
4) Stone Age

Stone Age is accomplished when a player collects stone for the first time. This Advancement can be achieved when either cobblestone, cobbled deepslate, or blackstone is placed in one’s inventory.
The Stone Age Advancement is one of the easiest of them all. Players will not get very far in their worlds without collecting stone for various reasons, so obtaining the material will almost always be the first thing any gamer does.
5) Minecraft

This Advancement is so easy that it shares a name with the game itself. The Advancement titled Minecraft is accomplished when a player places a crafting table in their inventory.
A crafting table is one of the most simple items to craft in Minecraft, requiring only four wood planks. Wood doesn’t require any tools to obtain. It can be broken from trees using just a player’s hand.
Only one wooden log can quickly be turned into a crafting table as one log equals four planks. The Minecraft Advancement can be accomplished right after spawning, and most players finish this task in mere seconds.
While many other Advancements in Minecraft are easy to accomplish, these are the most common to complete for beginners.
This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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