Minecraft 1.18 update is bringing many drastic changes to the Overworld. From massive biomes to world height changes, the Overworld is ready to experience the biggest update ever.
Because of world generation changes, players will notice a lack of efficiency in their farms. Many Overworld farms will be affected by the upcoming Minecraft 1.18 update.
Players planning to move their worlds to version 1.18 after its release should know about the farm changes. This article mentions five farms that will be affected by Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Part 2 update.
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Minecraft 1.18 update will affect these five farms
5) Glow squid farms

Glow squid farms in version 1.17 may not work in Minecraft 1.18 update. In 1.18 worlds, glow squid spawn only below Y level 30. As glow squids could spawn below Y level 63 in 1.17, many players built the farm around that height for maximum efficiency.
Unless a glow squid farm is below Y level 30, players may have to build it again. Glow squid farms will also experience low output because of potential spawn spaces all around farms at such low levels.
4) Witch farms

Witch farms will experience a decrease in output because of the new mob spawning system. As 1.18 worlds have bedrock layer at Y -64, mobs now have a lot of space to spawn. The game tries to spawn mob from bottom to top because of which many witches won't spawn on the farming platform.
3) Drowned farms

Drowneds farms are getting both nerfs and buffs in Minecraft 1.18 update. These farms will also face a similar issue as witch farms from the new world generation features. Players may have to build drowned farms again in version 1.18.
As for the buff, drowneds will now have a new location to spawn. These mobs can spawn in dripstone caves. Players can come across some annoying trident throwers while exploring dripstone caves.
2) Axolotl farms

Any axolotl farm made in version 1.17 will not work in the upcoming update. In Minecraft 1.18 update, axolotls will only spawn in lush caves after meeting the necessary conditions. Previously, players were able to build axolotl farms anywhere in the Overworld.
1) General mob farms
General mob farms which rely on light levels for spawning mobs will need improvements. In Minecraft 1.18 update, almost all hostile mobs will only spawn at light level 0. Previously, hostile mobs required light level 7 or below to spawn. Players will have to make sure the light level is 0 to spawn mobs.
Minecraft 1.18 update will affect the efficiency of many existing farms. However, players will soon find ways to increase output after the update releases.
Disclaimer: This list is subjective and solely reflects the views of the writer.
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