Diamonds are items in Minecraft that will always be extremely important to all players. It is the first item that a new player craves when they start the game. Obtaining these gems in Minecraft is so popular that there are millions of memes about them in and outside the gaming community.
Though the traditional method is to dig down to the level where diamonds start generating and try to find them, there are other methods to find the precious material as well. Once diamonds are obtained, players can create various tools, weapons, and armor parts from them. Diamond gear is the second-strongest in the game, only behind netherite gear. Here are a few ways to find this rare mineral in the game.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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Looting buried treasure and 4 other fastest ways to find diamonds in Minecraft
5) Looting End Cities

Though looting End Cities can give players some of the best items, it is also one of the slowest methods to obtain diamonds. These structures generate only in the End realm, where players enter to defeat the Ender Dragon and finish the game's underlying story. Hence, this is one of the last structures players loot. It has a 21% chance of generating regular diamonds and lots of other diamond gear inside chests.
4) Looting Nether Fortresses

Nether Fortresses are also great structures where players can find diamonds and diamond equipment in chests. Though it is still a slow method to find rare materials, it is relatively faster than finding them in End Cities. Nether Fortresses can be found in the Nether realm. They spawn hostile mobs like Wither Skeletons and Blazes that are extremely dangerous to fight against.
3) Looting Buried Treasure Chests

Buried treasure chests are hidden chests that can be found with the help of a treasure map found in underwater ruins and shipwrecks. These chests contain valuable items like diamonds, hearts of the sea, emeralds, iron nuggets, iron ingots, etc. When players spawn near a shipwreck, they quickly try to retrieve a treasure map and find the treasure chest to loot all the precious items. Hence, they are considered one of the fastest methods to obtain diamonds.
2) Mining diamond ore with a fortune pickaxe

When players find a diamond ore, they can mine it with a regular pickaxe to obtain one diamond. They can, however, use fortune enchantment on their pickaxe to get more diamonds from a single ore block. This way, players can drastically increase their efficiency in finding diamonds.
This enchantment essentially increases the chance of quality drops from blocks. It affects the diamond ore blocks and works on all the blocks that can be mined with a pickaxe.
1) Mine at Y level -58

The fastest method of finding diamonds in the game is also the most traditional one. Players must mine at Y level -58 to find the most diamond ore blocks. After the 1.18 Caves and Cliffs update, the Overworld expanded to Y level -64. Hence, the level where most diamonds generate also went down.
Though it can take time to mine and find diamond ore blocks, it is one of the fastest methods. Players can use branch mining methods and fortune pickaxes to increase their chances and amount of diamonds.
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