In Minecraft 1.19, players will always need enough XP points to perform certain activities, such as enchanting items, renaming them, and even for repairing tools and weapons.
Such tasks can only be performed if users have good XP levels. Though they can slowly obtain points by playing the game, most veterans create special procedures to generate unlimited number of XP.
Most XP farms are made around hostile mobs since they drop the most experience points, though there are some great smelting ones as well. However, if players want to get loads of XP in a matter of minutes, they should try to create these farms.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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5 farms to get the most XP in Minecraft 1.19
5) Dungeon XP farm

Though using dungeon farms is not the fastest type out there, they are extremely easy to create and are great for beginners to boost their lower XP levels. The only downside to them is that they will be quite dangerous for newcomers since a lot of hostile mobs will already be present in them.
These can easily be created by finding a suitable location underground and creating a killing room right beside it where hostile mobs won't be able to attack. The player will then be able to easily kill and collect items and XP points from them.
4) Villager trading farm

This might not be a traditional farm since players need to manually work to gain suitable material, but they can obtain massive amounts of XP points if they establish a huge villager trading center.
Players get some XP points from each trade with a villager or wandering trader. When it is multiplied, they can yield loads of XP by making trades. Moreover, gamers will also receive useful items from them as well since different villagers provide different items for emeralds.
3) Blaze XP farm

Blazes are great for obtaining XP since each mob drops 10 XP points. Hence, players can create a Blaze XP farm in a Nether Fortress. These entitites also drop blaze rods that are essential for progressing further in the game, and to brew potions.
The only downside to this farm is that the mobs will not spawn as quickly as other hostile types since they come from a spawner block. Hence, it might take some time for users to obtain XP.
2) Enderman XP farm

Enderman farms are the most popular sort since players get massive amounts of XP and ender pearls from it. These are usually made in the main end island since the End realm is home to all Enderman.
Players can either use endermite or water to displace or trick them into the killing room. Even though each mob only drops five XP points, the sheer amount of Enderman spawning in the area makes the farm quite effective. Ender pearls dropped by these mysterious creatures are quite useful as well since they aid in quick transportation.
1) Guardian XP farm

Guardian farms are the best if players want loads of XP in a few minutes. These ugly underwater monsters spawn only near Ocean Monuments. Hence, players must first fight and conquer the massive underwater structure in order to create the farm.
Since Guardians do not need a spawner block to spawn and drop 10 XP points each, they are considered to be the best for farming. They also drop prismarine crystals and raw cod, which players can use to create varying patterns in any builds they create.
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