Released on December 7, 2022, Minecraft version 1.19.3 is a minor revision to The Wild Update that brings a host of adjustments and fixes. However, it also brought along a few new features worth checking out.
While the features introduced in the 1.19.3 update are varied, with some being visible and some happening behind the scenes, they're all interesting additions. Some features involve reworking certain mobs, while others introduce new items or affect inter-player communication.
While the number of new features in 1.19.3 is quite large, there are a few that players may want to try first.
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Note: This article solely reflects the author’s views
Minecraft 1.19.3 Features Worth Checking Out In-Game
1) New Spawn Eggs

Minecraft's Creative Mode has many spawn eggs that can create different mobs; however, certain mobs didn't have their eggs in the game until the 1.19.3 update. Players can now find these for the Ender Dragon, Iron Golems, Snow Golems, and the Wither in the Creative Mode inventory.
Players no longer need to rely on cheats from the command console anymore to spawn boss mobs or golems wherever they wish.
2) The /Fillbiome Command

Minecraft players have long been able to alter the face of their worlds through commands, but the new /fillbiome command added in version 1.19.3 gives players more freedom to do so.
When this command is used, players pick a start and end point via coordinates, and the defined area becomes the biome of the player's choice. This doesn't change the blocks in the area, but any weather, climate, or generation factors that correspond with a biome will change.
3) New Player Skins For Offline Play

Mojang introduced a slew of new default skins a few months back, broadening the playable in-game characters beyond Steve and Alex; however, these new default skins required an internet connection before patch 1.19.3.
This is no longer the case, and players' selections of different default skins are now exactly the same whether the game is being played online or offline.
It's not a huge change, but players that enjoy the new default skins can utilize them wherever they might be playing the game.
4) The Return of the Bundle

Originally planned to be released back in Minecraft's Caves & Cliffs update, bundles are craftable items that can be used to store items without taking up extra inventory space; however, they were eventually removed by Mojang in later updates. Fortunately, they've made a return in 1.19.3, but players must enable the experiment bundle data pack in their settings to obtain and use it in-game.
This is a small price to pay for the incredibly useful storage capabilities that bundles provide.
5) Making Mob Sounds With Note Blocks

One of the more unusual additions leading up to version 1.20 is the new function of note blocks.
When players place a mob head (including the new piglin head block) onto a note block, and the note block is powered, it will produce ambient sounds that match it. It's a strange addition, but players will be able to develop some interesting and creative ways to utilize this feature to the fullest.
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