The world seed determines how a Minecraft world generates. It's random and it is never the same twice. Every single world generates differently from the next one in some way, shape or form. That means that there is basically an infinite amount of different worlds that crafters can load into. The possibilities are genuinely endless.
The way to replicate a world is to learn its seed. Many of the best world seeds get shared around through the community so everyone can experience it. This usually happens with seeds with villages, Woodland Mansions and other good or rare occurrences.
However, sometimes the opposite occurs. Sometimes the world is so bad, that players want to see what they can do with it. Other times, it's frightening or scary, evoking a haunted feeling. Here are some of those seeds from the vast history of Minecraft.
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Haunted and scary Minecraft world seeds
5) Seed: 6897005041604436933

This seed spawns players in an open village, which, on its own, is not frightening. In fact, that's a downright enviable spawn. However, this village happens to have a zombie spawner in it, so it's going to send tons of zombies at players. It is not enviable, especially in the early going.
Crafters don't have to worry about that until nightfall, though, so it's not terrible, but it is one of the most interesting scary worlds for Minecraft players.
4) Seed: 289849025
This seed has some of the most interesting generation of any world. It duplicates so much of the generated terrain that it can be confusing and frustrating. Because of this, players often get lost and feel like they're going in circles. Not many things are more haunting than the classic house of mirrors in a horror movie, and this Minecraft world perfectly encapsulates that.
There's no telling where to go or how to get out of the seemingly never-ending loop. The Nether does provide a bit of an escape from the "duplication", but the Nether is its own beast.
3) Seed: 478868574082066804

This seed is admittedly very difficult to get to, and may not even be possible anymore. It runs on a very old version of the game, Alpha 1.0.16_02. The scary part of this world is found at X=5.06 Y=71 Z=-298.54. From there, players will see the infamous Herobrine.
It's not real and Herobrine has long since stopped being a part of the game, but it is very frightening to look at. Herobrine invokes fear in everyone, so this seed is quite haunted. It's also haunting to try and get to because it requires such an old version of the game that is nearly inaccessible.
2) Seed: 575901225
(1:36 mark) This seed spawns players near a Woodland Mansion that overlooks an abandoned village. There are a couple of very creepy items available in Minecraft and one of them is cobwebs. They make everything look haunted, so an abandoned village is a good way to have a haunted village.
Woodland Mansions have low lighting, lots of rooms and dangerous hostile mobs. There aren't a lot of more frightening structures in the game, so combining a mansion with an abandoned village makes this one of the most haunted seeds in the game.
1) Seed: 646887542
This seed is by far one of the most unsettling seeds in the game's long history. The only thing players see for miles and miles (or thousands of blocks) is deserted village after deserted village. There's a good reason this is considered a great seed to try on Halloween: It is genuinely frightening.
There's nothing more haunting than being totally alone. That's normal in Minecraft, especially for players who don't play multiplayer. Still, when there are villages, there's supposed to be villagers. That's not the case here and it gets uneasy very quickly.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author. Additionally, this article features seeds from all different eras of Minecraft. As such, many of these will not work on 1.18 or 1.19 versions.
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