Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that always appreciates humor and entertainment, with its developer Mojang capitalizing on April Fool's Day by implementing a particularly interesting Java Edition snapshot. The release was known as "The Vote Update" and was humorously titled "snapshot 23w13a_or_b," featuring plenty of interesting content additions that are great for a laugh.
An offshoot of the official 23w13a snapshot, The Vote Update introduces the ability for players to vote on gameplay features and content that they'd like to experience in the game. The update further introduced several new blocks and particularly strange crafting recipes, and players had to vote to progress through most of this snapshot.
As expected, there were plenty of funny elements featured in this Minecraft April Fool's snapshot, but it doesn't hurt to take a look at some of the goofiest ones present on that list.
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The strangest and funniest additions in Minecraft's April Fool's Day Snapshot
5) Crafting Air and Balloon Cows
While there's already a massive collection of craftable blocks and items in Minecraft, this recent addition might just be one of the strangest ever introduced. By combining four empty glass bottles on a crafting table, players in this snapshot can create air itself.
Considering that air is essentially everywhere in the game, it feels pretty odd and strangely funny that players can craft bottles of air. However, these new items aren't just for show, as they can be consumed (somehow) to refill a player's air meter while they're underwater or out in space.
Speaking of space, if Minecraft players fill cows with enough crafted air, they become balloon cows. These bizarre creatures can lift players into the sky, out of Earth's reach, and take them to the moon. Keeping some extra air on hand is ideal when visiting the moon, as players won't be able to breathe too well otherwise.
4) The Other Portal
Although it's labeled the "other portal" in-game, veteran Minecraft players will immediately recognize these portals as Aether portals. A few mods, both past and present, used this particular portal design to transport players to the paradise dimension of the Aether, which stood in stark contrast to the Nether. However, these portals don't exactly work as intended, which is a joke pointing back to the vanilla game not having the Aether.
If players create a portal frame with glowstone blocks and activate the portal with water, they can enter the portal and jettison themselves high into the air. Sadly, the Aether doesn't exist in vanilla Minecraft, so all players receive is an error message that reads "terrain not found" and then begin falling from the sky. In general, it's a nice insider joke that refers to the Aether being available only in mods and add-ons, and falling from such a huge height is quite funny as a result.
3) La Baguette
Minecraft players tend to react positively to new weapons in the vanilla game, and snapshot 23w13a_or_b takes this down a fairly comical path. With the help of commands or the voting system, players can create a baguette, a humorous reference to several memes made in the past by the community.
While this long loaf of bread can't be eaten, presumptively because it's too hard, it can be used as a weapon instead. To make it even more strange, these baguettes can be repaired using wood planks, which makes us question just how tough this bread is. At any rate, beating up hostile mobs with a long loaf of French bread is hilarious and shouldn't get old quickly.
2) "New Thing" Banner Pattern

Ever since the social deduction game Among Us was released in 2018, tons of Minecraft fans have added homages to the game's crew members in the sandbox title. Furthermore, there's also a large litany of "amogus" and "sus" memes that fans have implemented as well, and it appears that Mojang has noticed this.
By voting for the "new thing" banner pattern and combining a piece of paper with suspicious stew, players can create the new pattern and apply it to banners via the loom block. Instead of using the Mojang logo as the "thing" pattern does, the new thing pattern introduces a logo that looks very much like a crew member from Among Us. For fans of the hit indie game, this banner pattern is certainly worth a few laughs.
1) The changing shape of Earth

As one might expect when the moon was introduced in this Minecraft snapshot, it was possible to look back at Earth in all its grandeur. There's only one thing that players should know: the Earth isn't always the shape that one would think. While trekking across the moon, players might notice the shape of their home planet is a bit off. That's because the Earth itself is subject to a randomized system that dictates its shape.
In general, the Earth can possess four shapes, with one of them being particularly funny. Essentially, it can either be square, cubic, round, or even in the shape of a teapot. While many fans have speculated about the shape of the world of Minecraft, it's fairly likely that nobody expected that the planet that they built, crafted, and battled on was a teapot all along.
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