There are several different items Minecraft players can farm. These items are really useful to have in bulk, just like having lots of diamonds. They can also be a bit easier to farm than others. Farming wool is a lot easier than farming iron, for example.

All of the following items (when farming) can make a big difference for players, so here's which ones players should target.
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The best items to farm in Minecraft in 2022
5) Wool
Wool can be farmed manually or automatically. Setting up an automatic wool farm isn't difficult and can yield plenty of wool. Instead of having to wait for the sheep to grow their wool back and then shearing it, it can be done as soon as it's grown back.
Regardless, wool is a handy item to have in bulk. It can be used to craft beds or as a building block. Additionally, shepherd villagers will trade it for emeralds.
4) Kelp
Kelp is very useful as it can be used as food, fuel, and XP. Minecraft players can use it as an XP farm where the dried kelp is used to dry more kelp, one of the best XP farms available.
They can also use it as food, given that there is an achievement to eat kelp solely for three in-game days. Finally, dried kelp blocks are solid fuel sources that burn for 4,000 ticks.
3) Lapis Lazuli
Of all the resources, Lapis Lazuli is arguably one of the easiest to farm. Each ore drops 4-9 pieces, rivaled only by Redstone. With Fortune III, one ore can drop up to 36 pieces. It's excellent for getting XP and is arguably more important than Redstone since it's used for enchanting and as a blue dye.
2) Crops
All crops are extremely useful in Minecraft. At the very least, they can all be traded with a farmer. Their primary use is as food, though. Baked potatoes, pumpkin pie, glistening melons, and golden carrots are the game's best food sources.
These can be farmed manually or automatically. Using a Fortune III pickaxe will also increase the drops from each plant.
1) Sugar cane

Perhaps the best item to farm in Minecraft is sugar cane. It's used in important crafting recipes like books. It's also used as an ingredient in cakes and pies, which are excellent food sources.
Perhaps its best use is in trade, though. Both librarian and cartographer villagers take it for emeralds.
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