Every Minecraft player goes through an endless cycle of finding, cooking, and eating food so they do not lose their health points because of their hunger level dropping to zero.
In Minecraft, there are a handful of different items that can be used as fuel in furnaces. Each fuel item lasts a certain duration, but one can last significantly longer than the others in the same furnace. It is essential to have long-lasting fuel in the game so players do not have to add more fuel to their furnaces constantly.
Below we have listed five of the best fuels in Minecraft and mentioned how players can get them.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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Blaze rod and 4 other most long-lasting fuel items in Minecraft
5) Coal

One of the most commonly used fuels in Minecraft is coal. It is very easy to obtain as its ores are generated in most Overworld biomes. Players will find coal ores at all Y levels. The maximum amount of coal ores is found to generate between Y levels 136 and 320.
A single coal lasts for a minute and twenty seconds (1600 ticks) in a furnace. Charcoal lasts the same duration, but coal is arguably easier to obtain as players can get much of it from their mining sessions.
4) Blaze rod

Blaze rods are the rarest fuel item on this list as they can be solely sourced from blazes. For those unfamiliar, blazes are uncommon hostile mobs that generate only in the Nether dimensions, specifically in and around nether fortresses.
Killing a blaze is not easy, but when a player does so, there's a 50% chance that it will drop a blaze rod. The probability of this happening can be increased by using a Looting enchanted weapon.
A blaze rod in the furnace will last for two minutes (2400 ticks). Minecraft players primarily use this item to create blaze powder, which is essential for crafting eyes of ender.
3) Dried kelp block

Dried kelp blocks happen to be one of the best fuel items, and they are also very practical. Each block can be crafted using nine dried kelps, which players can get from smelting kelp.
Players can set up a simple yet effective farm that automatically farms and collects kelp so they can have access to a lot of dried kelp. As it happens, a dried kelp block can smelt items constantly for three minutes and twenty seconds (4000 ticks).
2) Block of coal

Long-time players know that blocks of coal can be made on the crafting table using coal. Each block requires nine coals, one in each slot of the crafting grid.
Compared to the previous items on this list, blocks of coal last significantly longer. A single block can smelt items for thirteen minutes and twenty seconds (16000 ticks).
If you plan on using a lot of coal for smelting items, it is a good idea to convert your coal into blocks of coal. This is because nine coals will last twelve minutes, but a block lasts over thirteen minutes.
1) Lava bucket

The lava bucket is the longest-lasting fuel in Minecraft. This bucket filled with lava can smelt items nonstop for sixteen minutes and forty seconds. It is also fairly easy to obtain, which renders the item superior in every way. You can get one by using a bucket on a source of lava.
In Minecraft 1.17 and the versions that came after, it is also possible to create an automatic farm that uses dripstone to farm lava buckets.
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