In Minecraft, everything from structure generation to terrain formation is dependent on the world seed. Seeds are a bunch of numbers or letters used by Minecraft to create the world.
Unless specified, Minecraft uses a random seed out of 18 quintillion available options. Instead of using a random seed, players can use pre-found seeds to get desired world generation at the spawn location or any other place.
Using seeds, players can easily get valuable structures like villages and strongholds at the spawn point or get rare ores. Some seeds can have multiple structures at spawn.
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A list of the luckiest Minecraft seeds to try
5) Lucky Nether spawn (Seed: -5587104679448810605)

This 1.17 Java Edition seed has a lucky spawn in the Nether realm. Players can create a portal at the Overworld spawn location and enter it to spawn in a fortress. Inside, players will find three diamonds, enough to make a diamond pickaxe.
After looting the fortress, players can head towards the bastion remnant at X: -192 Z: 48 to barter with piglins, loot their chests, and steal their gold.
4) Multiple blacksmiths (Seed: -1775767453)

Blacksmith houses are one of the easiest ways to get valuable items in early-game. In this 1.17 Bedrock Edition seed, players can find a plain biome village with four blacksmiths. By looting their chests, players can get useful items like iron. diamonds, obsidians, tools, armor, etc.
Players will spawn in an average taiga village. After spawning, go to X: 550 Z: 500 to find the blacksmith village.
3) An abandoned village near badlands biome (Seed: -9552767)

In this 1.17 Bedrock seed, players spawn between a badlands biome and an abandoned village. Badlands are among the rarest biomes in Minecraft. This seed gives access to terracotta right from the start.
Players can also go to the abandoned village to loot chests, but be careful of zombie villagers. This village has a blacksmith so that players can find some diamonds.
2) Glitched end portal (Seed: 6272098237627493047)

In Minecraft, there is a one in a trillion chance for a portal to generate pre-activated with 12 eyes of ender. But this 1.16 Java Edition seed features something much rarer than that: a pre-activated glitched portal.
This weird generation occurred due to the portal frame being in four different chunks. Players can go to X: -320 Y: 39 Z: 1360 to find this rare glitched portal. This seed is pretty lucky for speedrunners as there is no need to go to the Nether.
1) Rarest Minecraft biome (Seed: -1932600624)

Jungle Edge is the rarest biome that can generate in Minecraft. In this 1.17 Bedrock seed, players can find the rarest biome at X: 2805 Z: 2506. It's pretty far from spawn, but interested players can visit the coordinates to see what's so special about the rarest biome.
While heading towards the jungle edge biome, players can find two villages and three abandoned villages with useful loot.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's views.
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