Melee weapon enchantments in Minecraft Dungeons enhance the offensive capability of players in close range combat.
Players who prefer melee combat aren't typically afraid to get their hands dirty and jump right into the fray against enemies. There are near-endless waves of mobs that need to be cut down throughout Minecraft Dungeons, after all.
A trusty sword or unique hammer may be a great starting point, but enchantments will greatly bolster the amount of damage that a player will be able to deal with. Some enchants are flat baseline increases, while others offer some rather unique effects.
This list will be showcasing five of the best melee weapon enchantments for players to look out for in Minecraft Dungeons.
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Top 5 melee weapon enchantments in Minecraft Dungeons
#5 Smiting

There are a lot of undead enemies to be slain throughout the levels and areas of Minecraft Dungeons, most notably zombies and skeletons of different varieties. Smiting will cause players to do substantially more damage to undead with each tier upgrade, starting with +20% increased damage all the way to +40% increased damage.
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Not every single enemy that Minecraft Dungeons players will encounter are undead, but there are enough to make the enchantment worthy of being in a player's back pocket. For example, players could switch to this enchantment when facing the Nameless One to dispatch the boss with greater ease.
#4 Leeching

Leeching has been a staple enchantment in many different roleplaying and action-adventure games. In Minecraft Dungeons, the enchantment lives up to its name. Players can claim portions of the maximum health of defeated enemies, restoring their own health pool.
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The majority of enemies do not have enough health, which would cause players to see a massive jump in healing after defeating a single regular hostile. However, this effect is noticeable when players are rapidly clearing multiple waves of enemies, as more and more healing is received with each defeated enemy.
#3 Enigma Resonator

The phrase "chance to deal triple damage", is enough to get the attention of many players. Enigma Resonator does not just give a chance to deal triple damage on its own, as it requires a souls build to be truly effective.
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Luckily, souls builds are a rather popular and used by a multitude of different Minecraft Dungeons players. With the right supporting cast, this enchant can give players the chance to do obscene amounts of damage very quickly.
#2 Sharpness

This enchantment is perfect for players who are not really looking to change their playstyle, but would like a powerful increase to their melee damage. Sharpness is beautiful with its simplicity, as it gives a flat increase to damage for players who use it.
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Nothing tricky here at all. Using the enchantment will result in more damage dealt. Passive increases are great because players don't really have to think about using them once they have been acquired. Minecraft Dungeons players who get tier three of Sharpness will deal 33% increased damage!
#1 Critical Hit

Getting big juicy critical hits is incredibly satisfying, as enemies can just drop to the floor after being struck with a few of them. This enchantment is what makes critical hits possible for players in Minecraft Dungeons.
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Like the majority of things that revolve around chance, there is plenty of RNG and luck involved. However, it can be incredibly fun to see those massive damage numbers. One of the great conveniences of this enchantment is that it is compatible with every melee weapon type in the game.
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