Minecraft players can use texture packs to completely revisualize their world, and many of these packs can even take their improvements to the surface of the water in-game.
Even in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, where a certain code is different from its Java Edition counterpart, there are plenty of texture packs available for players to download to improve the look of their water.
Some of these packs skew more realistically, while others tend to keep Minecraft's base aesthetic in mind. All the same, there are a few spectacular texture packs worth keeping in mind when downloading a Bedrock texture pack to improve one's water quality.
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Minecraft: Great texture packs for water in Bedrock Edition

A texture pack still in alpha testing, OBSES is a gorgeous texture pack that takes realistic visuals and applies them to the environment while keeping the vanilla game's core textures in one piece. Much of the pack is predicated on light, weather, wind, and water effects instead of directly altering the core textures.
The surface of the water is dark and quite opaque, but viewing the blocks underneath is much clearer. This can make for a gorgeous shot of the ocean while still maintaining visibility when taking a swim.
4) Phoenix Shaders

A bright and blooming texture pack, Phoenix Shaders aims to be the Bedrock Edition equivalent of Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders in the game's Java Edition. It provides great lighting, an improved sky texture, and vibrant coloration in nearly every aspect of the game. It isn't a perfect facsimile to SEUS, but it does a great job regardless.
The water texture, in particular, is quite transparent, though it does wave to simulate a tide, which is a very nice touch to the texture. This pack is a great fit for those players who enjoy the water that they can see through to the bottom.
3) Paper Cut-Out

For an experience a little more in line with the game's classic roots, there's Paper Cut-Out. Simulating a world seemingly made out of origami, Cut-Out is colorful and enticing.
Its water textures, in particular, aren't super elaborate, simply adding a small ripple texture to the surface while still being quite transparent. This keeps the water in line with the more cartoonish graphics of the texture pack, and not every player enjoys hyper-realism from their texture packs, so this makes for a great alternative.
2) ZederCraft

Blending a little bit of realism while still keeping color pop, Zedercraft features higher resolution textures while still keeping things from going too far into the planes of realism.
The water, in particular, is quite textured compared to many packs, with the surface featuring a collection of ripples and a distinct coloration of its own. This keeps the water as detailed as the land textures in many regards, and the pack maintains its own identity without delving into the photorealistic space too much. Given the context, it should have little performance impact (if any) on a player's hardware.
1) Firewolf 3D

A texture pack that serves as an excellent improvement to the game's standard textures, Firewolf 3D is gorgeous and colorful. The water is a sapphire blue, and it really stands out even among the pack's many other textures. Furthermore, the pack features three-dimensional textures for many blocks such as doors, ladders, and rails.
Although the blue water is very pronounced, it isn't obnoxious, and players aren't obstructed by it sight-wise when they want to hop in and look underneath the surface.
With over 300 custom textures, Firewolf 3D makes for an incredibly vibrant texture pack that can be hard to beat. Fans of more realistic packs will likely sit this particular one out, but it's certainly worth a try for fans of more stylized texture packs.
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