Minecraft is a game that is in a constant state of flux, thanks to the sequence of free updates it receives. Looking back through its history of over a decade of updates, there are countless features that have been implemented.
While many additions to the game have been heralded, others have seemingly fallen by the wayside. For one reason or another, these features are often overlooked and aren't used all that often.
Be that as it may, just because these parts of Minecraft are sometimes ignored doesn't mean they're useless.
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When it comes to features that may have been forgotten but still have plenty to offer players, a few top contenders come to mind.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
Top Forgotten Minecraft Features Still Worth Using
5) Crossbred Crop Rows

For a while, Minecraft players got used to creating crop farms that use one crop type at a time. If they use multiple crops on the same farm, they might do so in a way that doesn't exactly have much structure to it. However, it's important to note that if players organize their planted crops into rows, all of the crops will receive a boost to growth speed.
This feature was implemented by Mojang to emulate the real-world process of crossbreeding different crops, which improves their overall growth and quality. The genes of certain crops intermingle with their counterparts, allowing them to be more resilient, fruitful, and nourishing. This only boosts the speed of the growth process, but more harvests mean more productivity.
4) Renaming Chests

Organization is incredibly helpful in Minecraft once a player has an abundance of blocks, tools, items, and gear. It's one thing to place certain items in a chest and sort them by type and another to use an item frame to visually mark what a chest contains. However, a third option exists that is constantly overlooked: placing a chest on an anvil block and renaming it.
This tactic changes the name of a given chest when it is opened. Normally, after a chest is opened, the name simply reads "chest" in its UI. However, if players use an anvil to change the storage block's name, they can make note of what the chest is for or who it belongs to without ever crafting an item frame.
3) Quick Clicking
Sorting through a player's inventory or storage in Minecraft can be a real pain if the items and blocks inside aren't sorted. Players can spend too much time searching for each necessary stack of items or blocks in a jumbled mess of a storage container. However, a feature allows players to pick up a stack of specific items or blocks and immediately transfer all items/blocks of the same type.
For example, if a player was looking for multiple stacks of paper in their storage chest to place in their inventory, it might be annoying to search for all of the stacks if the chest isn't well-sorted. Instead, the player can pick up one stack of paper and then Shift-Click another stack of paper to instantly deposit all of the paper stacks in the chest into their inventory.
For players who aren't the most organized, this quick shortcut can be a huge time-saver.
2) Furnace Minecarts

Nothing screams "efficiency" like a well-constructed minecart system. However, minecart rails can get pretty expensive resource-wise in Minecraft, especially when powered rails are involved. These rails require gold and redstone to craft, but an alternative presents itself: the oft-ignored minecart with furnace block.
This block may not seem ideal because it can't carry cargo, but that isn't exactly the point. If placed behind a line of other minecarts, a furnace minecart can push the ones in front of it simply by fueling the furnace.
For players who want to save their gold and redstone for other projects, a furnace minecart can be a huge help. Plus, it's much easier to find fuel for a furnace than to find gold or redstone.
1) Chorus Fruit Teleportation
When players find their way to the End in Minecraft, they may snag a few chorus fruits as they venture through the dimension. While this fruit restores four hunger points, it serves a much better purpose than simply being a tasty snack.
Eating a chorus fruit has a chance to teleport the player eight blocks ahead in a given direction, even through solid blocks. This makes chorus fruits great for infiltrating structures without a trace.
Furthermore, if players are in freefall or are levitating in the air, they can munch down on a chorus fruit to teleport themselves down to the ground safely.
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