Food is vital in Minecraft Survival mode. In Creative, players will never have to eat, but in Survival, it's imperative to survive and to be able to sprint. Hunger was introduced to the game in update 0.12.1, and there have been quite a few food items introduced since then.
Growing food is one of the best ways to obtain it since it doesn't require searching or killing animals. It's also self-sustaining because each crop will allow players to eat some while replanting others to continue the cycle. Here are the best foods Minecraft players can grow in Survival.
Best foods to grow in Minecraft Survival mode
5) Sweet berries
Sweet berries don't provide much hunger restoration. Eating one berry will restore just two hunger points and doesn't have much saturation. However, they're very easy to grow.
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Players can plant them and then harvest them when they're full. A mature sweet berry bush yields 2–3 sweet berries and will begin growing them again after that.
4) Beetroot
On its own, a beetroot only restores one hunger point. When it's crafted into beetroot soup, it becomes one of the best food items in the game. It restores six points of hunger and 7.2 saturation.
It is crafted with six beetroots, but they're very easy to grow and collect. The seeds get planted so every available beetroot can be put into the soup. The bowl remains after so players can reuse it to make more.
3) Carrot
Raw carrots don't provide much help with hunger, but they can be crafted into golden carrots. Those are arguably the best food item in Minecraft. Additionally, it's easy to get a lot of carrots since one plant can yield three carrots (more with Fortune).
They can also be dropped by zombies, which makes them easier to acquire than others.
2) Wheat
Wheat can't be eaten, but it is used in several different food recipes. Cookies, cake, pumpkin pie, and bread all require wheat. These are also among the most useful food items in the game.

They require a lot of other items, but wheat is so universal that it's great to grow in Survival. Plus, seeds are extremely easy to get by breaking grass.
1) Potatoes
A normal potato isn't what Minecraft players should eat. Instead, they should cook it. Once they become baked potatoes, which only requires the coal to cook it, they become one of the best items to eat.
A baked potato restores five hunger points and has six saturation. When compared to other Minecraft foods with similar stats, baked potatoes have a much easier recipe in Minecraft.
Note: The article reflects the writer's own views.
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