Surviving in a Minecraft world requires players to keep improving their armor and other gear. The best way to do this is by enchanting their gear with high-level enchants. To be able to enchant from an enchanting table, a lot of experience points are required.
Upon collecting experience orbs, the total count of experience points increases for gamers. Once enough points are collected, the XP level will go up. Many items can give experience points, and this article covers the five of the best.
Also read: How to make an XP farm in Minecraft Java Edition with spawners
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Top items that drop experience points in Minecraft
1) Bottle o' enchanting
Bottle o' enchanting is a rare item that breaks when thrown by pressing use and drops experience orbs. They can sometimes be found in shipwrecks and outposts, and bedrock players can get them from buried treasure as well.
When broken, a Bottle o' Enchanting drops three to 11 experience points.
4) Items that can be smelted

Minecraft has a lot of ores and other items that users can smelt in furnaces. When they remove a smelted item from a furnace, players get experience points.
This is one of the most ideal ways to get XP if they own farms that produce raw food or smelt the items and keep them in the furnace.
3) Diamond ore

One of the simplest ways of gaining XP in Minecraft is mining ores. The ores of most minerals can drop a maximum of five to seven experience points when mined using a pickaxe.
Diamond ores in Minecraft drop the most experience points (up to seven) than any other ore. They generate at y15 or lower heights and can be mined only with an iron pickaxe or better. Strip mining is one of the best methods of finding them.
2) Spawners

These are unique blocks that spawn hostile mobs at intervals. Miniature mob spinning inside the cage of a spawner shows what type of mob can spawn from that specific spawner.
Gamers can find spawners in multiple structures such as dungeons, mineshafts, and bastions in the nether. When mined using a pickaxe, spawners can drop 15 to 43 points of experience as orbs.
1) Nether quartz
Nether quartz ores are among the best ores to mine for experience points as they generate a lot in the nether world. Neither quartz ores drop two to five experience points per ore and can be mined using any type of pickaxe.
Mining nether quartz ore is ideal for those looking to gain some experience points while getting quartz for their modern style builds, as quartz is one of the best blocks for those builds.
Also read: XP in Minecraft - Everything players need to know
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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