While Minecraft is a beautiful game consisting of endless ways to find enjoyment, sometimes, that enjoyment has to come from a third-party developer.
The following modpacks are some of the best ways to kill time while waiting for the 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update to come out. Whether it is learning new forms of automation from Feed the Beast or from the self-proclaimed hardest modpack, RLCraft, players are bound to find hours of entertainment through the top 5 modpacks in November 2020.
Minecraft's top 5 modpacks to play in November 2020
#1 RLCraft
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Taking players of any skill level and throwing them into a world already on fire doesn't seem like too much of a blast, yet somehow, RLCraft tops the charts every time it receives an update.
Veterans of Minecraft will find a fresh and challenging experience where death, something that doesn't come by very often, is a common occurrence within the first five minutes of RLCraft. From dragons to dinosaurs and everything in between, this modpack will keep players on their toes.
Check out the video above by mod author, Shivaxi, to get started.
#2 Stoneblock/Stoneblock survival 2
Gone are the days of a dirt platform with a single tree and chest sitting on top. Say hello to an expansive technical pack where your survival exists in a world made entirely of stone.
Youtuber, Hypnotizd, was one of the first to shine a bright light over this incredible pack. Starting off with humble beginnings, breaking stone with fists, all the way to automatic wither farms, stoneblock 1 and 2 will take the player through an eventful quest log, teaching them the ropes the entire way.
#3-Skyfactory 4
If surviving in a stone world is too claustrophobic, Sky factory 4 brings together a large majority of the mods found in classic feed the beast and stoneblock mod packs for an all-inclusive experience. Youtuber, ChosenArchitect, takes players through an easy to follow opening for a hugely expansive mod. As with stoneblock, Sky factory 4 has a questline to follow along with it for players of any experience level with technical mods found inside.
#4- Pixelmon
Bringing together two of the biggest pixel art adventure games, Pixelmon is a perfect break from the monotony of Minecraft. All of the blocky critters a player could ever wish for can be found in the newest update to pixelmon in its reforged version. Youtuber, NotMunchingOrange, takes players through this new version as they relearn the ropes together.
#- Forever Stranded
Not much can be worse in Minecraft than getting lost in the middle of nowhere, with all the gear that's been crafted and perfected gone in an instant. Forever Stranded hones in on that feeling of dread by dropping players into a desert by means of a crashed ship. Youtuber, iskall85, takes over for this spot as he brings together his knowledge of vanilla Minecraft and his technical knowledge across these styles of modpacks.
Whether it be wither automation or starting off with a Pikachu, these modpacks are perfect time killers for anyone of any skill range. Players will be introduced to worlds and systems where they may be unfamiliar, but at some point, we were all the same with Minecraft itself.
Also read: Top 5 Minecraft resource packs.
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