Players looking for specific features in their Minecraft world can try using seeds to generate them. Seeds are codes that can be entered when creating a world. Every code generates a Minecraft different world.
Ice spikes are a rare ice plains biome that has naturally generated spikes made of packed ice. Finding this biome is not easy, but players can always use seeds that spawn them close to ice spike biomes. Below is a list of the five best seeds for the ice spike biome.
Minecraft seeds for ice spikes biome
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5) Ice spike vs Mesa biome (Seed: 604893202)
This amazing bedrock seed will spawn the player in a regular plains biome. Close to the spawn, players will find an ice spike biome with a mesa biome next to it. Not very far from the spawn point is a mineshaft in the ice spike biome at 776, 78,40 from which players can get useful items.
4) Frozen oceans and ice spikes (Seed: 200)

This Java edition seed spawns the player on the edge of a snowy tundra biome with a ravine at -47, 41, 2. Towards the east, players can find the ice spikes biome at 679, 88, -20. There is also a Mineshaft at 632, 69 -40 and a ravine next to it at 653, 35, -32.
3) Huge ice spike biome (Seed: 2147483510)
This is a Java edition seed that spawns the player next to a snowy tundra biome. By moving towards the north, players will find an ice spike biome with huge spikes. There's also a dungeon at 209, 46, -38 using which players can create a spawner base mob farm very early in the game.
2) Ice spike village (Seed: 1140777914)
This seed is for Minecraft bedrock edition only. It spawns the players close to an ice spike biome that has a beautiful village on one side of the edge. The coordinates for the ice spikes are 24, 89, 178, and the village is at 56, 92, 184.
1) Village on the mountain (Seed: -5827076749818071175)

After generating a world using this Java edition seed, players will spawn about 130 blocks away from an ice spike biome present at 56,100, 72. In this biome, players can find a unique village that has one house generated on top of the mountain and the rest next to it. The coordinates of the village are -9, 135, 69.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's views.
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