Minecraft is a complicated game that requires knowledge of many in-game technicalities such as crafting recipes, how to fight certain mobs, where to find certain structures, and so much more.
Once a player knows the basics of Minecraft, it is generally easy to assume the natural progression of the game and its intricate rules. However, sometimes what one would think makes sense in Minecraft turns out to be quite the opposite.
There are a variety of weird inconsistencies within the game that players have noticed overtime. Whether these were mistakes by the Minecraft developers that have been left in the game or purposefully included elements is unclear.
Regardless, here are some of the most prominent parts of Minecraft that seem to make absolutely no sense.
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Things in Minecraft that do not make sense
5) Stonecutter

The stonecutter is a great block for builders who want to save resources when creating walls, stairs, and other shaped blocks. It is also the job block of the mason villager.
Stonecutters look quite terrifying. Atop this block is a constantly whizzing saw blade that appears quite sharp and generous. Upon first glance, most gamers assume that a stonecutter will yield damage onto players. However, they can stand on top of a stonecutter and be perfectly fine.
This seemingly makes no sense when comparing the stonecutter to similar blocks in Minecraft. Consider a campfire, for example - the campfire block consists of a half block with an animation on top, just like a stonecutter.
The campfire will inflict damage onto any entity that stands on top of it. And yet, the same cannot be said for a stonecutter.
4) Rabbit Stew

Rabbit stew is a food item that most players do not even bother to make due to its complicated crafting recipe. Although rabbit stew is technically one of the best food items for hunger and saturation, each individual food item needed to craft it will fill up players far more than the actual item itself.
The logic behind rabbit stew begs the question: why does it exist? Seemingly, the only effective use of rabbit stew is to complete the “A Balanced Diet” achievement in which players eat every single food item within Minecraft. Otherwise, rabbit stew does not make much sense in the game.
3) Single nugget smelt

It is quite common for survival players to have an excess of armor, tools, and weapons over time. When a player has enough diamonds, they will likely not need their iron or gold items anymore.
Upgrading these items is fairly easy to do, so the less strong items tend to just sit around in storage when not in use. It would be super helpful if these tools could be repurposed back into their original items. For example, an iron pickaxe could be transformed back into iron ingots when the tool is no longer needed.
As of now, armor, tools, and weapons can be smelted in furnaces, but the result is less than exciting. Smelting any of these items will in turn give players a single nugget. That’s right, not even a full ingot, just one measly nugget of iron or gold.
Even the chestplate, which required eight ingots to craft, will turn into just one nugget when smelted. It is difficult to understand the logic behind this game design choice.
2) Chainmail armor

Gamers who have been playing Minecraft for a while probably relate to the desire to wear chainmail armor in survival mode. Unfortunately, there is simply no way for chainmail armor to be crafted by players.
The chainmail armor set has existed for quite some time, and yet it has never received a crafting recipe. Mojang even added an actual chain block to Minecraft, but these items cannot be used to craft any armor.
Chainmail armor is quite appealing to plenty of players, so one would think that a crafting recipe would have been introduced into the game by now.
1) Gold pickaxe vs Gold ore
One of the biggest things that doesn’t make sense in Minecraft is the logic behind which kind of pickaxe can mine gold ore. The above YouTube video showcases this anomaly perfectly.
When considering all of the possible pickaxes (wood, stone, iron, diamond, netherite, and gold), these tools can mine through their respective source material blocks successfully. This means that a block of stone mined with a stone pickaxe will drop cobblestone, a diamond ore block mined with a diamond pickaxe will drop diamond, etc.
However, when using a gold pickaxe to mine gold ore, the block simply disappears and no gold is dropped. If other pickaxes can mine through their origin blocks, why can’t gold? It is one of the many wonders of Minecraft’s code.
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