Even advanced Minecraft players may not know that they are making easy mistakes in the game.
With so many different things to do in the game and so many ways to play the game, players may not have considered plenty of strategies. Gamers who have been playing Minecraft for a while might find themselves stuck in habitual gameplay methods that they could improve upon.
Every Minecraft player has their own skill level no matter how long they’ve been playing, so even some veterans might not know about the following ways to play the game more efficiently.
Disclaimer: This list is objective and reflects the views of the author.
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Mistakes in Minecraft older players could avoid
5) Quartz slabs

Quartz is a beautiful material that many Minecraft players use for builds. Unfortunately, the blast resistance of a quartz block is not very strong and could easily be blown up by a nearby creeper or other tragedy.
To avoid this, Minecrafters who love to build with quartz should make their structures out of quartz slabs stacked on top of each other. This will increase the blast resistance significantly as the blocks will not blow up as easily.
4) Twisting and weeping vines

With the Minecraft Nether update came some remarkable changes to the dimension that changed the entire game. Some new elements introduced were twisting and weeping vines found in the warped and crimson forest biomes, respectively.
When Minecraft players climb up things like mountains or drop down into places like ravines, some of them use water or ladders or simply mine their way to their destination. However, a more effective method of doing so in most cases would be through the use of twisting and weeping vines. They can be grown in any dimension so long as they are planted on soul soil.
Especially with the significant changes in world generation coming with the Minecraft 1.18 update, twisting and weeping vines might be the perfect way to safely explore the new areas.
3) Building commands
One preferred method of gameplay for some Minecraft gamers is to build in creative mode where they can let their imagination run wild without the limitations of survival.
Building can be super fun but also quite tedious. But some users might not know about the build commands available to use in vanilla Minecraft.
Commands like /clone or /fill can help duplicate or multiply basic outlines of builds and turn them into grand structures.
Many commands make building in Minecraft much more manageable, so those who love to create but hate to spend the time should consider them while building.
2) Efficient fuel

In Minecraft, most gamers opt to use coal or wood items for cooking or smelting their food and materials due to the convenience of collecting these items. However, many things can be used as fuel in furnaces.
While some veteran players might know this, some fuel sources are way more efficient than others. Some of the most efficient fuel sources can take some effort to collect and are a bit more obscure than the typical coal, such as a dried kelp block.
1) Vertical redstone
Some Minecraft players are extremely talented at building with redstone. Those who love to use redstone are always looking for ways to use it most efficiently in their designs.
One downside of redstone is the inability for it to go directly up the sides of vertical walls. Luckily, there are a few different ways for gamers to build with redstone and send a signal vertically.
Instead of trying to concoct a complicated way for redstone to reach a particular area or redesigning a build just to the redstone will work, there are enough designs for users to try out that could work depending on their intended build.
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