With every update adding new blocks to the game, Minecraft has over 100s of unique blocks. Each of these blocks has its purpose as decoration, crafting, and utility.
Minecraft first launched over a decade ago. Since then, it has continuously received many updates and changes. In its early days, Minecraft only had blocks like wood, crafting tables, dirt and furnace. Over the years, Mojang has added many helpful interactive blocks like Blast Furnace, Smoker, Stone Cutter and more. Here are the five most useful blocks in Minecraft.
Five most useful blocks in Minecraft
#5 - Chest

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Chests are one of the oldest yet most useful blocks in Minecraft. Players use chests to store various items and blocks. In a single chest, players can store up to 30 stacks of items. Single chests can be turned into double chests by adding one chest to the side of the other. Double chests can store 60 stacks of items. They can also be attached to llamas, donkeys and mules. Chests are an essential block used by every player in Minecraft.
#4 - Obsidian

Every Minecraft player needs an obsidian to enter the nether realm. Without obsidian, players would not be able to access nether-exclusive blocks and mobs. Gamers need at least ten obsidian blocks to create a nether portal. Obsidian also has one of the highest blast resistance blocks in Minecraft. In the nether realm, players travel much faster compared to the overworld. [One block distance in nether = Eight block distance in overworld]
#3 - Ender Chest

Ender Chest is like a cloud storage system but in Minecraft. Players can store their items in the ender chest and carry them everywhere. Unlike chests, when a player breaks an ender chest using a silk touch pickaxe, items inside it are not dropped. An ender chest has 27 storage spaces. Players can fill these spaces with shulker boxes and increase the ender chest's carrying capacity to 27*27 slots, which is an enormous carrying capacity.
#2 - Beacon

Beacon is one of the late-game blocks in Minecraft. To craft a beacon, players need a nether star that can only be obtained by killing the wither boss. Beating the wither boss can be scary and nerve-racking for many players, but beacon makes it worth doing. Beacon can have amazing effects such as Haste I, Regeneration, Strength I, Jump Boost, and Speed I. Most players use the beacon's haste effect to instantly mine blocks under the surface.
#1 - Crafting Table

Almost all Minecraft players interact with a crafting table every day. It is one of the first things player craft when they start a survival world. A crafting table is a utility block that lets players access a 3*3 grid for crafting in Minecraft. Players can craft a crafting bench by using four planks of any wood type. Without a crafting table, players cannot craft any other blocks, such as a furnace or chest. The crafting table is the most useful block in Minecraft.
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