One of the things players will find themselves doing a lot in Minecraft is building. Mining blocks and using them to build something is arguably the most fun part of playing the game.
A handful of things, when created, can be highly beneficial to the player. Most of the necessary things to build covered in this list yield items that will help the player survive better in their Minecraft world.
Essential things to build in Minecraft
5) A good enchanting setup

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By applying enchantments to their tools and other items, players can easily enhance them. One of the best methods of acquiring enchantments is creating up an excellent enchanting setup.
A good enchanting setup requires fifteen bookshelves to be within one block of the enchanting table, and then it will offer the best enchantments to the player.
4) XP farm
To be able to use the enchanting table, players will need a good amount of experience levels. These levels are increased when the player gains experience points by performing various tasks.
There are a handful of different XP farm designs from which players can choose. One of the best XP farms is the enderman farm. It does not require a lot of effort or items to create but yields a lot of experience points and ender pearls.
3) Fuel farm
Players can acquire fuel in various easy ways. However, creating a farm for it will let them emphasize other projects they have in their mind. Dried kelp blocks are one of the best fuel items in the game, and its farm is quite easy to create.
2) Food farm

Minecraft requires its players to consume food items to maintain their health and hunger levels. Creating a food farm will make the player's life a lot easier in the game as they won't have to worry about gathering food constantly.
Players can create a simple crop farm on their first Minecraft day and eventually upgrade to an automatic farm once they have acquired the resources for it.
1) Mob proof base

If the player stays outside, they will be attacked by many hostile mobs. Therefore, a mob proof base is a must-have. Players can decorate the base however they like, but they need to make sure it has torches to prevent mobs from spawning and a bed for sleeping and setting a safe spawn point.
Note: The article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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