Minecraft is a large game that contains lots of items that some players may not even know exists due to how many resources there are.
There are over billions of Minecraft seeds that can be used, which makes it impossible for players to explore them all. There are more Minecraft seeds than there is world population.
Some of the items that are in Minecraft are harder to find due to how rare they are. Minecraft players will have to look a little harder for rare items, and in some cases, look in more dangerous areas.
In this article, players will learn about the top five most rare items in the latest version of Minecraft!
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5 most rare items in the latest version of Minecraft
Dragon Egg

The dragon egg is by far the most rare item in Minecraft. There is only one dragon egg per world unless the player is in creative mode or using some kind of cheat.
Dragon eggs are generated once, and once only. This item is basically used as a decorative block or a "trophy item." A single dragon egg is generated on top of the exit portal when the first ender dragon is defeated.

Elytras are another rare item that players can find in Minecraft. These items are wings that allow the player to fly around the map and provide the player with a faster method of transportation.
Elytras can only be found on end ships, hanging in the item frame. These items can be guarded by shulkers, so players should be careful when trying to obtain one.
Dragon Head

The Dragon Head is an item in Minecraft that can only be found attached to the end ship in the end city. The head is a decorative block, and it serves no true purpose besides decoration.
Players cannot craft this item, however, they can wear it as a cool helmet.
Shulker Shells

Shulker shells are another rare item that players can only find in end cities in Minecraft. These shells are items that are dropped by shulkers when they are killed in the game.
These shells are what players will need to make shulker boxes. If players plan on getting shulker shells to make a box, they should make sure they have sustainable armor and durable weapons.
Shulkers are hostile mobs, and they will deal a good amount of damage when striking players with their bullets.
Totem of Undying

Totems of Undying are one of the rarest items that players can obtain, as they cannot be crafted and can only be found by completing specific tasks.
Players can only get totems of undying by killing evokers. Players will only see evokers in raids and woodland mansions. These totems will grant players with one free life.
Players will only have one save per totem.
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