Minecraft has a wide assortment of blocks and items. There are hundreds of blocks available in the game, each having unique looks and utility. Like mobs and items, blocks also have rarity levels in Minecraft.
Thanks to Minecraft updates every year, the list of blocks continues to grow. The most recent Minecraft 1.17 update alone added over 80 new blocks to the game. Depending on rarity level, some items can be easy to obtain while others can be pretty rare.
Read further to learn more about some of the rarest blocks that can be found in Minecraft survival.
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Rarest blocks found in Minecraft survival
5) Ancient debris

Ancient debris is among the rarest blocks that can be generated in Minecraft. It is a nether exclusive block found in deep Y levels. Players who want to upgrade their diamond gear to netherite will have to find ancient debris.
Only two blobs of ancient debris can generate in one chunk. One blob of size 1-3 generates between Y 8-23, while the other blob of size 0-2 can generate anywhere between Y 8-119.
4) Sponges

Sponges are extremely helpful when draining a river or an ocean monument. One sponge can remove all the water in a 7-block radius. Players can find sponges naturally generating only in ocean monuments.
Sponges can also be obtained by killing elder guardians. Sadly, elder guardians don't spawn back again like guardians. So, players will have to go to other ocean monuments to get more sponges.
3) Beacons

Beacons are tagged as rare in Minecraft. Endgame players can consider beacons as a common block as they have access to Wither Skeleton farms. But it is still pretty rare for other players.
Players will first have to defeat a Wither boss and obtain a nether star to craft a beacon. Players can make one beacon with a nether star, three obsidians, and five glass blocks.
2) Deepslate copper and coal ore
The Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Part 1 update added a new type of stone block called deepslate. Any ore that generates in deepslate or tuff blobs turns into deepslate ores.
Copper and coal ores are common at higher height levels and are rarely found below Y 16. Due to this, finding their deepslate variants is quite rare.
1) Deepslate emerald ore

Emerald ore was already considered as one of the rarest blocks in Minecraft. But with the addition of its deepslate variant, the deepslate emerald ore is arguably the rarest block now.
Emerald ore blobs of size 1 generate 3-8 times per chunk in mountain biomes only between Y levels 4-31. As deepslate generates below Y level 16 in Minecraft 1.17, the chances of finding deepslate emerald ore are small.
Note: The article reflects the writer's own views.
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