Fishing was first added to Minecraft in update version v1.2.0 in 2012, almost 10 years ago.
In its early stages, fishing resembled an extremely simplistic system significantly different from the far more refined fishing system seen in the modern versions of Minecraft.
Currently, fishing can give players a plethora of loot, each with its own set chance. Of this loot, some are more common than others, but as shown in this article, the exact distribution of said loot is likely not what players are expecting.
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5 rarest items to get from Minecraft fishing
5) Enchanted Book
0.8% chance

While not the rarest in terms of spawn chance, enchanted books remain to be one of the most valuable items one can obtain from fishing.
With a generation chance of 0.8%, the enchanted book might not be the rarest, but it certainly isn't anywhere close to being a commonly obtained item.
4) Stick
0.5% chance

As is a trend with the majority of the items on this list, although the loot is theoretically highly rare to obtain from fishing, the items themselves aren't hard to obtain through other means.
With a spawn chance of 0.5% however, going fishing might just be the hardest and most convoluted method to obtain a stick in all of Minecraft.
3) String
0.5% chance

While slightly more useful than a stick, players also have a 0.5% chance to obtain a piece of string while fishing.
Theoretically, this could be somewhat useful in specific gamemode difficulties such as peaceful in which string is harder to come by due to spiders not spawning.
2) Fishing Rod
0.2% chance

Obtaining a new fishing rod while fishing is in most cases a welcome surprise, as it means players don't have to end their fishing session once their rod breaks.
With a chance of only 0.2% to occur, however, this outcome shouldn't be bet on and gamers should count themselves extremely lucky if the Minecraft gods bless them with an extra rod.
1) Ink sac
0.1% chance

Coming in at the number one rarest item to obtain through fishing in Minecraft is the humble ink sac.
With just a miniscule 0.1% chance of being fished up, it makes one wonder why Mojang decided to allocate such a small chance to obtain this item when it's also possible to simply kill a squid for a much greater drop rate.
Whatever the reason, players who do get lucky enough to fish up this item will find that they are given 10 individual ink sacs at a time.
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