Minecraft Bedrock Edition has three playable game modes, one of which is survival. In this mode, players must collect food items and other resources that can help them survive. In their quest for items, players can use seeds that have structures with loot close to spawn as a headstart.
Players will get the option to type a seed while creating a world. After entering the code, a specific world will be generated. Below is a list of the five best seeds for Minecraft bedrock players to get great loot quickly.
Also read: 5 best Minecraft seeds for easy diamonds in Pocket Edition
Rare Minecraft Bedrock seeds that provide good loot to the player
5) Four blacksmith houses

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Seed: 695929820
Coordinates of the village: 145 73 38
Blacksmith houses are the best village houses for players looking for valuable loot. These houses can have diamonds, iron ingots, iron armor, weapons, and more. The seed mentioned above spawns the player about 100-150 blocks away from a village that has rarely generated four different blacksmith houses.
4) Jungle temple and village at spawn

Seed: -1565839773
Coordinates of the village: 50 69 -365
Jungle temples are rare structures that have traps made with dispensers inside of them. This seed spawns the player right above a jungle temple in a jungle biome. There is a mesa biome next to it, and players can find a village at the above coordinates.
3) Diamonds in Mineshaft
Seed: 1123769652
Coordinates of Mineshaft: 1204 8 16
Diamonds are one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft, using which players can craft durable items. Using this seed, players spawn not very far from a mineshaft that has multiple exposed diamond veins.
This seed works best in versions that came out before 1.17, as 1.17 has diamond generation issues. At 1200 9 57, players can find an eight diamond ore vein in this seed as well.
2) Ancient debris and diamond ore veins

Seed: -111200240
- Diamond ores: 114 21 35 and 142 13 34
- Ancient debris: 144 11 -49, 132 16 -39, 24 15 -91, and 71 21 -88
Ancient debris is the rarest mineral in the game. It generates only in the nether world, and finding a vein with three ancient debris is very hard.
This seed has multiple ancient debris veins, with 2-3 of them very close to each other. Along with that, players can also find diamond ore veins with many diamonds at the specified coordinates.
1) Twelve desert temples
Seed: -1589859967
Coordinates of all villages and desert temples close to spawn:
- Temple 212, 70, 120
- Temple 294, 73, 643
- Village 162, 70, 600
- Village 991, 73, 514
- Village -351, 70, 179
- Temple -303, 73, 211
- Temple 243, 70 -511
- Village -341, 70, 570
- Temple -350, 73, 675
- Temple -893, 70, 295
- Temple 1060, 75, 660
- Temple 1924, 75, 100
- Temple + Village 2102, 75, 52
- Village 1041, 69, -404
- Temple 1121, 75, -319
- Temple 675, 73, -832
- Village 583, 70, -769
- Temple 1286, 80, 63
Desert temples are one of the best natural structures in Minecraft from which players can get loot. The chances of a player finding a random enchanted book in a temple are the highest compared to any other structure.
This rare bedrock seed has twelve different temples and many villages less than 1500 blocks away from the spawn point.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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