Redstone creations in Minecraft can be awe-inspiring and complex, but for newer players, it can be asking a lot for them to recreate these remarkable redstone builds.
For beginners in Minecraft, redstone machinery can be daunting when first learning about it. A fair amount of circuit logic and mathematics goes into things, even if it isn't readily apparent.
This is how people have been able to create incredibly complex electronics and why some players struggle to figure out how redstone works in-game. The basic facts are there, but not every player is ready to charge head-on into making complex redstone works. Sometimes, it's best to start simple.
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Great redstone machines for newer Minecraft players to create
5) Automatic Armor Equipper

Made with just a few dispensers, some item frames, a button, and some redstone, players can create a machine that automatically equips their armor with the press of a button (or even a pressure plate).
Players must ensure they're not already wearing armor, but that's a small price to pay. These machines can also be used on mobs like villagers. Some Minecraft players may not be aware, but villagers are capable of equipping armor to improve their survivability. They won't physically wear the armor appearance-wise, but their damage reduction will improve.
4) Vending Machines

It's nice to have items like food or ammunition on-hand in Minecraft, but it can be a pain to backtrack to a player's shelter or home, open up a chest, and find the necessary items.
However, much like the auto armor-equipper, players can use a little redstone, a dispenser, and a button to make a vending machine. Doing so allows players to collect more items at their convenience. It doesn't just have to be food items like most vending machines, as players can create vending machines for weapons, armor, ammunition, or even crafting ingredients.
3) Automatic Mob Farms

Mob farming is a tried-and-true Minecraft tactic that allows players to collect experience and items from killing both passive and hostile mobs. Using redstone additions, players can utilize hoppers and chests to sort the loot drops left by mobs to funnel them into particular receptacles.
This requires minimal redstone wiring and experience, and players can let the hoppers and chests do their things for the most part. However, many redstone-run mob farms are a great way to demonstrate how redstone works in small capacities before players work their way up to more complex creations.
2) Automatic Item Sorters

This is an upscaled concept from the vending machine in Minecraft, which lets players throw a ton of items into a nearby chest and allow certain items to funnel down into their own chests for later use.
Organization is a big part of keeping things running smoothly for many Minecraft players, so it certainly doesn't hurt to have an automatic sorter nearby. Players can simply toss their items into a chest and watch as they're placed in their own designated inventories to be retrieved at a later date.
However, what items get sorted are up to the player and require additional modules built onto the machine. But once players have the fundamentals of the machine down, placing item frames, chests, and hoppers is no problem.
1) Auto Smelters

Smelting items in Minecraft don't require much work, but players must ensure that they have fuel in their smelter. Furthermore, once a smelter has an entire stack of whatever item inside of it, it stops smelting until the product item is removed. Keeping that in mind, Minecraft players have come up with a solution.
With simple redstone tricks utilized with chests, hoppers, and a furnace, players can create a contraption that automatically smelts items and deposits them into a chest, ensuring that the furnace never deactivates from being too full. Minecraft players should occasionally top off the fuel input, but a double chest's worth of fuel should keep an auto-smelter running for a long time.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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