Seeds in Minecraft are a great way for players to predetermine exactly what their world will look like. Villages are an excellent resource to start.
Minecraft seeds are defined as strings of letters or numbers which determine what the world will generate. If two players on the same Minecraft version put the same letters or numbers in their seed generator, both will spawn in the same world.
Seeds are a great way for players to know what their world will look like before they start the game. There are millions of different seeds, and finding the perfect seed can be quite tricky.
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The following is a compiled list of the best secret village seeds in Minecraft Java Edition version 1.16.
5 best secret village seeds in Minecraft
#5 - 22062009

Facing west from spawn, players will stumble across an abandoned village only a few blocks away. Abandoned villages are not like normal villages. When villages are abandoned, it means that all of the villagers have moved out. Players can distinguish if a village is abandoned by looking to see if there are many cobwebs all over the buildings.
Despite this village being abandoned, players can still find chests, crops, and animals all around the village. Players may even find a few zombie villagers as well.
#4 - 160

This seed spawns players directly on a secret island containing a large village. A ravine also runs directly through the village. This seed is an exceptional starter, as loot can be found throughout the village, and valuable resources can be mined directly from the ravine. There is also the beautiful blue ocean surrounding the island.
A shipwreck can be seen in the ocean, and a small land bridge can take players to the other, larger, side of the island.
#3 - -2560296388160051934

This secret village can be found hidden among a mountainside and trees. In this seed, players spawn directly inside the village, so no one will have to walk too far to find what they are looking for. Players may find chests scattered around the village, including a blacksmith, whose chest contains a near-full set of iron armor. This is a great seed for players to start with.
#2 - -2592242360827338447

In this seed, players will spawn a few blocks away from an extensive village, nestled between a few different biomes. What makes this seed unique is all of the biomes surrounding the village. Any player would surely find the biome they are looking for easily with this seed. The ravine that harbors valuable ores runs right through the village.
#1 - 14960196

This seed might be one of the rarest a player can find. Not only is there a village island, but the village is on a mushroom island - one of the rarest biomes.
Players will spawn on a small island with an Ocean Monument right in view. Just a small swim facing north, players will come across this village island. Loot chests can be spotted throughout the village, and a deep cave full of iron ore is right nearby.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the personal views of the writer. As there are many such seeds, it is an individual's choice to select one or the other according to his/her preference.
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