Depth Strider is one out of many enchantments in Minecraft. These are certain powerups that players can apply on various items. Different enchantments have different specialties and levels of strength. They also have certain incompatibilities with each other.
Almost half of Minecraft's endless map can generate some sort of body of water. Similar to land and caves, the ocean and rivers have secrets of their own.
From shipwrecks to ocean monuments, players can explore a lot underwater. Depth strider is an enchantment that essentially increases the swimming speed of players, hence it can be used in various scenarios, dangerous or otherwise.
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Top 5 situations in Minecraft where depth strider enchantment can be used
5) Crossing large body of water

Although players usually use boats to cross massive oceans in the game, if by any chance they are stuck without a boat, this powerup can help them swim faster to the shore. Most players will use this to simply swim faster and complete several underwater tasks quicker.
4) Looting shipwreck

Whenever players loot a shipwreck, most of the time they run out of breath and start to drown. In this case, they may not be able to reach the surface in time and take damage. Here, the enchantment can help them swim quicker and reach safety in time to breathe.
3) Looting underwater ruin

There are many mysterious structures underwater, like a ruin. These are generally filled with drowned zombies and a chest with loot. If one wants to quickly loot and escape without getting attacked by drowned, they can do so with a depth strider. As drowned swim slowly, they won't be able to catch players swimming fast.
2) Swimming in Aquifers

Since the Minecraft 1.18 update, caves have gotten huge with several aquifers generating in them. They are small bodies of water inside a large cave. Players can easily explore these and mine valuable minerals with the help of this powerup.
1) Fighting in Ocean Monument

The biggest underwater challenge is to defeat and conquer the ocean monument. The huge structure is filled with guardians that can shoot players with their eyes. In such a fight, players will need all kinds of water-related enchantments, including depth strider. With this, players can swim quickly and easily block a guardian's line of sight.
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