Efficiency enchantment is one of the best powerups in Minecraft. It essentially enables players to mine any block faster, depending on which tool it is applied to. It is compatible with all other powerups; therefore, several of them can be combined with this enchantment to make the tool even stronger.
Enchantments are certain powerups that players can apply to their gear to make it stronger. They help players in several ways, such as increasing their durability, attack damage, and in this case, mining speed. They can be applied to gear via an enchanting table or an enchanted book.
Efficiency has a total of 5 levels and is easily obtainable, as it is a common powerup. Furthermore, there are a few scenarios and situations where this powerup works best for players.
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Minecraft players should use the efficiency enchantment in these top 5 situations
5) Stunning a shield (Java Edition only)

In Java Edition, if players apply the efficiency enchantment to their axe, they have a slight chance to disable or stun the shield of another player for a few seconds. This way, if two players are fighting each other, they can completely disable the other player's defense for a few moments. Even if this powerup is not combat-oriented, it can still be of great help in this way. What's even better is that with each level of the powerup, the chance of disabling a shield increases by 25%.
4) Obtaining loads of blocks quickly

As players mine and break blocks with this efficiency enchantment, they can quickly obtain loads of blocks. If they are planning to build a huge structure and need an abundance of a specific block, the efficiency enchantment will come in handy in this situation.
Players need to enchant a specific type of tool to gather specific types of blocks. If players try to break blocks with the wrong tool, the powerup won't work.
3) Mining underwater

Mining underwater can be a chore for players. When players are underwater, their mining speed drastically reduces, making it difficult to do most things. However, if players have this enchantment, they can push the speed back to being normal. Although they won't be able to mine at a normal speed with the enchanted tool, they will definitely feel the difference between breaking blocks with a normal tool and with an enchanted one.
The powerup can greatly help players with underwater mining.
2) Strip mining

Nearly every player knows that the best way to get underground resources in the game is to strip mine. Strip mining is one of the best ways to get diamonds and other precious materials. That said, it may take time as blocks like deepslate are much harder. This is where the powerup can really shine.
Combined with unbreaking, players will have a tool that can plow through the blocks quite easily and quickly, yielding more precious ores at a time.
1) Clearing out an area for building

One of the best uses of this efficiency enchantment is when players are trying to clear out a huge area in the world to build something. Players constantly build structures in the game. Hence, they need a suitable base to start. If players have this powerup on their tools, they can easily remove loads of blocks in no time.
If the powerup is combined with Haste 2 from a beacon, the breaking time of the blocks comes down to milliseconds, which is even better.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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