When players begin a new Minecraft survival world, things might seem overwhelming. Watching others play and seeing their stacks of amazing armor or items makes it seem like the items are easy to obtain.
For new Minecraft players, knowing what to do on the first day of a survival world can be confusing. So, listed down below are the top 5 things to do on your first day on a Minecraft survival world!
Read: How to get Minecraft heads in survival mode
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Minecraft Survival
5) Craft armor

Armor is necessary to survive in Minecraft. Without it, players will take more damage when attacked and have a greater risk of dying early. There are a few types of armor that can be obtained on the first day rather easily: leather, gold and iron. Iron is ideal, but finding the iron to make the armor is really hit or miss.
Regardless, players should try to get some type of armor on the first day, especially if players are eager to get out and explore the world!
4) Create a reliable base

In Minecraft, night comes quickly. This being said, it's usually ideal to have a decent base to return back to when the moon starts to rise. Lots of new players make their bases out of dirt because it's easily obtainable. But, after mining, creating a cobblestone base is a good option.
Lots of players do skip creating a base on the first night, and instead mine the night away.
3) Mine for resources

Mining for resources may take a lot of time, but it is worth it in the end. At the very least, on day one of a survival world, players should obtain as much dirt and stone as possible, to make a decent base.
However, finding materials such as coal and iron is also ideal, as players are able to start crafting armor from the iron ore. Some players might be lucky and find iron right off the bat while others might have to search far and wide for it. As for coal, it can be used as furnace fuel or to make torches, which are also needed in order to light dark caves.
2) Make tools

Making tools is essential to Minecraft. When players obtain wood and make a crafting bench, they can create sticks, which are used to create tools. Players crafting wooden tools have the ability to mine stone, which can then be used to craft things such as furnaces and stone tools.
Most ores cannot be mined with wooden tools, so crafting stone tools as soon as possible is ideal. This way, obtaining ores and ingots can be quick and painless.
1) Collect wood

The most important thing to do on day one of a Minecraft survival world is to collect wood. Without wood, players cannot do anything else. When players spawn, the likelihood of finding trees is very high. When mining the wood, players obtain a singular piece. However, when the piece is placed in the players inventory square, it will turn into 4 wood planks. From here, players can craft tools.
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