The Badlands is a rare warm Minecraft biome that players can easily spot due to their distinguished colors. This biome is inspired by the canyons and mesas of the American deserts.
It is full of sandy, terracotta, cacti and other items that represent the canyons. The badlands can be found quickly due to their color scheme. Players will see red, orange, yellow, white, light gray and brown terracotta scattered all over the biome.
Since this is one of the more rare biomes in the game, it is very uncommon for players to spawn in or near it. Because it is so rare, players also may not know very much about it, but the truth is, this biome holds plenty of secrets!
In this article, players will learn five things that they probably did not know about the Badlands biomes in Minecraft!
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5 things players most likely didn't know about the Badlands in Minecraft
1) There are no passive mobs

In the badlands, there is not one passive mob in sight! Every mob in this biome is either hostile or neutral. There are no cows, sheep, or pigs as a source of food, so players should bring a supply of food with them before leaving for the Badlands.
Players should also bring armor or weapons with them when entering this biome. There are several mobs that will spawn such as witches, endermen, skeleton, creepers, zombie villagers, and more.
In the Java edition, there is a small chance that bats will spawn in the badlands, however this will never happen in Bedrock or other editions & the bat will be the only passive mob that can spawn here.
2) Great for mineshafts

The badlands are one of the best biomes for mineshafts in Minecraft. Players can often find these structures located around this biome and inside, they can find a lot of good loot.
The mineshafts are a great place for players to find gold and iron. Players can use this material to create armor and other weapons and mining tools.
3) Rich in gold

Players may not know that the badlands biomes are rich in gold! Gold is one of the top resources in this biome, it is found more commonly than other resources in this biome, so players can get a large amount of it very easily.
In most biomes, gold will only appear from Y level 32 and down. In the Badlands, gold can be found at Y level 79.
4) Drought

There is barely any water found in the Badlands.
Since this biome is a slight replica of the desert and mesas, it should be pretty obvious that not a lot of water will be here, however players may not know that there are rarely ever, if ever any rain or thunderstorms here.
It barely ever rains in the Badlands. Under normal conditions, it will never thunderstorm either. This is one of the dryest biomes in the game.
These biomes also typically spawn near deserts or savannas, so players will need to go a little ways out to even find water at all.
5) Terracotta farm
If the player has already been to the Badlands, this may be pretty obvious, but for players who have never been, the Badlands is covered in terracotta.
All those colorful blocks that make up the Badlands, those are all terracotta blocks. Although terracotta cannot be used for many things in the game, it can be a great decoration block.
This list is subjective and reflects only the opinion of the article's writer
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