Released over a decade ago, Minecraft is one of the oldest and arguably the most updated sandbox games ever. To this day, the game has an incredible number of players logging into their worlds regularly. All the credit goes to the team of developers rolling out new content for the game at an astonishing pace.
With all the excitement surrounding the next major update, many new players are joining the game out of curiosity. Since there is so much to explore in a newly created world, beginner Minecrafters often make mistakes and find themselves in a tough spot.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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Things to do in Minecraft
5) Create a mob-proof base

In Minecraft, the list of hostile mobs is intimidatingly big. Therefore, a mob-proof base is a must-have where players can perform activities such as crafting items, sleeping, cooking food, or enchanting their items.
Once the player has created a base, they can mob-proof it by ensuring it has no open entrances and placing torches to prevent mobs from spawning. Also, it is good to have a home base where players can keep their extra stuff and come back to after a long trip.
4) Have automatic food farms

Food is essential for a player's survival, as the game requires them to eat occasionally. Not doing so eventually results in the player losing the ability to sprint as their hunger value drops. Furthermore, if the hunger level drops to zero, the player starts sustaining damage every four seconds.
An automatic food farm is a gadget made using redstone items that will farm food independently, collect, and store them for the player to consume. The best part about them is that there are various food farm designs, and many of them are pretty simple and easy to replicate.
3) Explore the different biomes and dimensions

Once the player has set up a few basic things, such as food farms, and has acquired decent armor and tools, the next thing to do is to embark on an exciting adventure and explore the diverse world.
The game has three dimensions: the Overworld, the Nether, and the End. Additionally, there are multiple biomes in the Overworld and the Nether.
Upon entering the game, players spawn in the Overworld. They can access the Nether and End dimensions using their respective portals, opening up a wealth of new possibilities for exploration and adventure.
Arguably, the Overworld is the most diverse dimension, featuring over fifty different biomes. In contrast, the Nether has five distinct biomes, each with unique features and resources. Similarly, the End has five indistinct biomes that lack variety regarding resources and world generation features.
2) Obtain rare items

Minecraft is home to a vast array of unique and rare items that players can acquire by completing certain tasks or exploring certain areas. Obtaining rare items in Minecraft is often a challenging and rewarding experience, providing a sense of accomplishment and pride for the player.
Additionally, having rare items in their inventory can help the player survive better. Interested readers can learn about some of the rarest items in the game from here.
1) Acquire netherite items

In Minecraft, a game full of hostile creatures, having durable armor items and weapons is crucial to ensure the player's survival and success. Appreciating these items and their role in protecting players from danger is easy.
Netherite is the rarest ore that can be used to create armor items and tools; as expected, it is the most durable. Once the player has all the netherite items and armor with high-level enchantments, there is nothing the player needs to be afraid of.
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