Minecraft players who do not particularly enjoy spending their hard-earned diamonds on armor will love the armorer villagers. This villager provides tons of amazing trades that will assist the player on their journey across the various dimensions of Minecraft.
While some of these trades require the armorer villagers to be increased in level, this can easily be done by completing some of the cheaper trades that they possess. Players looking to score some of the strongest armor in the game should seriously consider the armorer villagers' trades.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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Best trades for the armorer villager in Minecraft
5) Coal for Emeralds

One of the armorer's best trades is the coal for emeralds trade. Please note that these trades are for the Java Edition. However, the Bedrock Edition contains similar if not exactly the same trades.
The armorer villager offers one emerald for 15 coal. This trade also provides two XP for the villagers, which is essential for players to obtain the next trades on this list.
4) Enchanted Diamond Leggings

Another great trade for the armorer villager is the emeralds for enchanted diamond leggings trade.
The expert-level armorer offers one pair of enchanted diamond leggings for 19-33 emeralds. While this may seem steep for some Minecraft players, if the player trades enough coal for emeralds, this trade can easily be completed. The enchantments can be from level 9-15.
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3) Enchanted Diamond Boots

Similar to the leggings, the armorer also offers a trade for enchanted diamond boots.
The expert-level armorer offers a pair of enchanted diamond boots for 13-27 emeralds. While villagers may take quite a bit to get to the expert level, it is extremely worth it for the armorer.
The video above explains all armorer trades for those who are curious about the other trades that are not listed.
2) Enchanted Diamond Helmet

A master-level armorer will allow players to trade for an enchanted diamond helmet.
More specifically, the armorer will trade an enchanted diamond helmet for 13-27 emeralds. Players must note that the armorer must be master-level, which can be easily accomplished by trading for the expert-level enchanted armor.
1) Enchanted Diamond Chestplate

Similar to the helmet, the enchanted diamond chestplate can only be traded with a master-level armorer.
The armorer will offer an enchanted diamond chestplate for 21-35 emeralds. The trade requires the most emeralds out of the trades listed above, but that is because the chestplate provides the most protection. This (and all other armor trades) will lock after three trades. However, they will be reinstated after the armorer works at their job block.
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