Minecraft servers allow players from all over the world to enjoy the game with each other.
Minecraft servers running software such as SpigotMC or Paper are capable of running server plugins that can modify Minecraft gameplay and add new commands into the game.
Although all Minecraft servers operate differently and have slightly different commands, there are a few global commands that work on almost all servers.
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5 most useful commands to use when playing Minecraft servers
The following commands are very helpful for players to keep in mind, especially for the newer crowd of Minecraft fans who may not have played on a server in the past.
5) /hub

This is a command which works specifically on servers that support different gamemodes, including Hypixel. Using this command, players will be sent back into the main server hub lobby where they can select a new server they would like to connect to.
Players can also use the /hub command to seamlessly flick between gamemodes without being forced to leave and rejoin.
4) /msg <playername>

The /msg command can be found on most types of Minecraft server and is by default included as part of the popular "Essentials" server plugin. It's primarily used for private messaging.
Should gamers wish to message others discretely, they can use the following command syntax for /msg:
/msg <PlayerToMessage> <message contents>
3) /warp
/warp is a highly useful command which allows players to list places available on the server for instant teleportation. This can save countless time running on foot, and some servers even have sections of the map which can only be reached through the /warp command.
In order to list available warps, players can type /warp. Furthermore, players can type /warp <WarpName> to use the specified warp.
Note: /warp is an Essentials based command, so it's not seen on every single type of server out there.
2) /spawn

This command is highly useful for when playing games that utilize a central map spawn point, such as Minecraft Factions servers.
By typing /spawn, players will be instantly teleported into the server spawn area. This area is normally safe, free from PvP, and sometimes full of communal resources such as anvils and mob grinders.
1) /help
/help is a built-in command that can teach even the most advanced Minecrafters a thing or two about their favorite server.
Although the output of /help varies from server to server, it generally provides players with an index of useful information about custom server features and specific plugins.
One instance of this command proving useful is for those searching through different Minecraft servers to play. By using /help, players can quickly get an idea of what a certain server has to offer in terms of gameplay features, mechanics, and plugins.
Note: The list is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.
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