Minecraft is an amazing sandbox game that is filled with different types of animals found on both land and underwater. Players will discover most animal mobs in the overworld, whereas they will find some unusual and scary creatures in other dimensions.
Players can breed most animal mobs in Minecraft and tame some of them as well. The breeding process is the same for most animals. It can be done by feeding two animals to make them enter love mode and therein make them breed.
Also read: List of tameable mobs in Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update
Uses of animals in Minecraft
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1) Drops

Most animal mobs drop some items upon death, which can be helpful in the player's survival journey. Players looking for these drop items in huge quantities can build automated farms to get resources without having to put in too much effort.
2) Experience points

XP (short for experience points) are points that can help players increase their XP levels and use them in various ways, such as for enchanting items. Animals drop XP points as experience orbs upon death, and they can be collected by the player.
3) Attractive animal pens

Minecrafters who enjoy building alluring and pleasing structures can create animal pens filled with different animals inside of them. They can also make animal pens a part of their house to make the outside of their base look pretty.
Creative is the best game mode for players that are more interested in building things than exploring and beating Minecraft as this mode offers infinite resources and health to the player.
4) Taming

Players can make many wild animals their pets. Once tamed, animals like a horse can be used for traveling, and the player can also control the directions after putting a saddle on it. While some animals may not offer many benefits, being able to tame them is still a cool feature.
5) Items apart from drops

Some animals like sheep and chickens can give items to the player in different ways than mob drops. Players can use shears on sheep to get wool in different colors. Meanwhile, chickens can lay eggs independently, which can be used to craft food items or thrown to spawn more chickens.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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